Thanks for the replies.
@spl_ind - Yes, I try to assess a seller carefully before committing myself. However, I don't rely solely on feedbacks. I try to judge sellers' characters by reading between the lines of what they say, both in their listing and in their replies to my enquiry. It's as much the way they say it as what they say.
I've bought dozens of items from eBay, starting from eBay US before there was any significant online site in India, then Baazee, BidOrBuy, Yelam, and finally eBay India. Sellers didn't always leave feedbacks in those days, hence my relatively low feedback count.
Speaking of feedbacks, I've sometimes noticed power sellers exhorting buyers to buy only from power sellers. While this is technically sound advice, in a way, it's a bit unfair and simplistic. After all, they too had to start out as new sellers. If everyone followed their advice, new sellers wouldn't have a chance to build up their business.