Shutting down from 14th August ????

Shutting down from 14th August ????
Ebay is far better websites than others in terms of uploading items. But the guarantee claim become poor in 2 3 months. Also the remittance cycle was poor. So much delay is sending to bank acc. But il miss ebay .
Message 1 of 58
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Re: Shutting down from 14th August ????

shopclues is third class..around 2 yrs back they didnt pay me for 2-3weeks i was doing good business..they deleted the transactions but i had a track of them .so when i called up they gave me blank response saying it was software error..and then they repayed me...

Message 41 of 58
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Re: Shutting down from 14th August ????

Community Member
Thats such a good thing to hear, even if it doesn't happen, made me happy ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ˜Š hope it works like that!
Message 42 of 58
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Re: Shutting down from 14th August ????

Community Member
Above comment was a reply to saman_retails.
Message 43 of 58
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Re: Shutting down from 14th August ????

I support #Boycottflipkart (Cheaters)




Flipkart pointed ebay india as a ground for selling refurbished goods, their assumption and understanding for ebay india is and was totally incorrect. Selling refurbished good was a new market adv approach of ebay to highlight one of its available product range.

ebay india helped me to grow and survive in online selling industry, yes they have different customer base that is always willing to purchase and trust sellers who even had bad images and content descriptions. Some buyers even advise you to do correction and those feedback brings charms to your sales. Buyers know they will get good product and understand that sellers at ebay are of low income group.. struggler with lot of talent and honest intention to sell n earn their daily living.

I started online selling on different portals and was able to process only 8 orders in six months... what a shame that was. Struggling to get sales I started some listing on ebay India and got my first sale in two days of listing and got 80 orders in next 30 days. ebay india saved us.

Meanwhile I tried increasing listing on few other portals amazon, snapdeal and flipkart etc... Story is same you will get orders but there is no profit due to stupid policies and anti-seller approach. so we are selling mainly on ebay india. at the end u r paying them

ebay india listing format give users purchase guidance with open data collection polices such as number of watchers, sold history, buyer feedback history, seller feedback history, seller sold listings and bookmarks recorded by all of us ( as customers or sellers).. list is long.. Now flipkart don't even know about this or if they knew this.. they want to destroy availability of ebay's openly available historic sales data... so go and kill the eBay.

Online processing units have lot of data collection and that data is used for data driven decisions and ebay is always giving its historic sales data ( almost 70%) to buyers and sellers so that then can take decision by analysis of this data. So you can understand what flipkart wants you to do... join flipkart with no sales data.. no customer history.. no power to get data to stay in market.. just pay fee.. on every point.

Lot of sellers were already removed from platformed due to GST formalities.. ebay india already lost creative seller base.. many housewives and part-timers that were supported by ebay india lost their lively hood last year. every one understand this story and nothing can't be done on this.

I believe sellers and buyers should protest the closer and start sharing their stories to wake up everyone and let ebay inc know that we need them to take action to save the platform.

Gagandeep Singh

Message 44 of 58
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Re: Shutting down from 14th August ????

Yes I agree. Even I had customers who "after buying" used to advice stating the product is nice and asked to improve images to get more sales. I used to admire and appreciate, what a beautiful world this can be. You do not know who the customer is and how much that person is concerned for you. Mind you this can only happen in ebay India.

Yes, none of the other site has a "single window" interface to see the status of your products. In fact as you mentioned, seeing the followers, feedbacks is such a boost to people like us who have no idea what we are offering is in a right manner.

I am not sure how many will support the stand of venting our losses or raising concern
Simple example is, I tried to contact many Shopclues sellers who are at loss by raising a petition in, no one signed.

Still, I will continue to express my views and share my experience so that others can be cautious. If not at least get strength to contain the losses.
Message 45 of 58
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Re: Shutting down from 14th August ????

Message 46 of 58
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Re: Shutting down from 14th August ????

Hi All


The new announcement from Mintkart India Pvt. Ltd ..


From July 28, 2018 -- "Transactions worth less than INR 250/- and greater than INR 8,000/- will not be allowed on ebay in."


After thant announcement it's clear indication that flipkart want to damage eBay India before agreement ended ..

Message 47 of 58
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Re: Shutting down from 14th August ????

Message 48 of 58
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Re: Shutting down from 14th August ????

please tell the solution not only the problem. this way you are not helping...


Please create a whatsapp group for eBay sellers .. After that we can discauss the same ...

Message 49 of 58
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Re: Shutting down from 14th August ????

Please advice me whether should I dispatch my orders or not? I am still getting orders and I am little concerned about getting paid or not as eBay is going to shut down very soon...Please advice me!

Message 50 of 58
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