ODR India will not be accepted from 19th May 2008

Community Member

May I still use online dispute services like ODR India, SquareTrade or NetNeutrals to have negative Feedback removed?

eBay will no longer accept Feedback removal requests from ODR India, SquareTrade or NetNeutrals, even when both buyers and sellers agree to have the Feedback removed.


We mentioned that we'd be aligning the Mutual Feedback Withdrawal process with the new system. After much consideration, we've made the decision to remove the Mutual Feedback Withdrawal process. The reason is that – under the new rules - it opens sellers up to extortion. As part of this decision, Mutual Agreement from third-party Feedback mediation services, such as ODR India SquareTrade, will also no longer be accepted.
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ODR India will not be accepted from 19th May 2008

Community Member

Why Mutual Feedback Withdrawal is been removed. So if we get a negative feedback from buyer by mistake, then how to withdraw it.

There are few buyers who gives negative intentionally and thus we can't solve the problem from ODR India as well Mutual Agreement.

eBay is becoming buyer oriented and no protection for sellers. I am very unhappy with this new move. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 2 of 69
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ODR India will not be accepted from 19th May 2008

Community Member
Also with great difficulty, I have maintained 100% Positive Feedback with many compromises.

For some issues, Mutual Feedback Withdrawal is the only way in which we can show people that the issue has been resolved.

But I am feeling that this new system doesn't recognize my hardwork.

If Mutual Feedback Withdrawal is been deactivated, then Introduce some what like "Request Buyer to Withdraw Feedback".

Recently I have seen that many of the users suggestions were ignored. I hope this post will not be the same. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 3 of 69
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ODR India will not be accepted from 19th May 2008

Hi all ,

We are totally disappointed with removal of Mutual feedback withdrawal & ODR from feedback issue.

Now it will help buyer to go against any seller .

it looks like eBay is only with buyers .

seller are on " Ram Bhrose "

hope eBay will look for it.
With Regards,
Mahavir Computers Pvt Ltd


With Regards,
Mahavir Computers Pvt Ltd

Message 4 of 69
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ODR India will not be accepted from 19th May 2008

Community Member

Ebay in their announcement dated 10 April, 2008 | 11:28 AM IST ***Greater benefits for eBay.in PowerSellers!*** had mentioned that :
FREE Dispute Resolution for PowerSellers on All Transactions
We are pleased to let you know that w.e.f. 5th May’08 all PowerSellers will be eligible for FREE dispute resolution from our third party alliance ODR India for all transactions (including Non Paisa Pay).

They mentioned that they are working on free ODR service even for non paisapay transaction w.e.f. 5th May’08.

Now today we see complete contrast.

On 8th May 2008 new announcement lines up that no ODR !!
I find this very funny.
Message 5 of 69
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ODR India will not be accepted from 19th May 2008

Community Member
lol its funny:

1. We can leave -ve feedback for buyers
2. We Cannot remove any -ve feedbacks given by buyers

So TnS team will be loading its guns at the moment!

Message 6 of 69
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ODR India will not be accepted from 19th May 2008

Community Member
These will be another SHOT from ebay to remove Geninue Sellers from the sites.

If -tive feedback will not removed, then buyer will be more powerful against sellers.

can all the buyers can not stop this ? or can we stop to selling on ebay unless and untill ebay will not change this policy ?

I will be the first among this. if Any one get ready for the same.

thank you,

Sincerely Yours,
Chinmay Tripathi
Message 7 of 69
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ODR India will not be accepted from 19th May 2008

Crap, baseless and what a nut to even post this!

Over the last several months, we've had many conversations with our community – both buyers and sellers – and we've had the opportunity to consider ways we can address some of the top concerns we've heard. Based on the input we've received from you, I want to share some additional modifications we're making:

* We are adding language in the leave Feedback flow for buyers who are in a cross-border transaction that reminds them that international transactions usually take longer to complete.
* We've improved the interstitial page that all buyers see before leaving negative or neutral Feedback; the updated page offers a stronger message to buyers about the need to communicate with the seller, to allow enough time for the transaction to complete, and to keep Feedback factual.

And later this month...
* In addition to expanding the 3-day block to 7 days, we are introducing a new Buyer Requirement that will allow sellers to block buyers who have been reported by other sellers for eBay buying policy violations (such as Feedback abuse, or email threats).
* We're expanding the scope of the existing Buyer Requirement for unpaid items, so that it supports more comprehensive blocking of buyers who have a history of non-payment.
* We've improved the process that sellers use to report buyers for policy violations including Feedback Abuse / Extortion policy violations.

As you can see, these changes represent a huge investment in transforming the way Feedback works, so that it better serves today's marketplace. Ultimately, the goal is to restore trust and transparency and improve the buying experience, while offering needed checks and balances that ensure our sellers who provide excellent service benefit.
Message 8 of 69
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ODR India will not be accepted from 19th May 2008


Many times there is just some small misunderstanding due to which the buyer leaves a negative. Mutual Feedback withdrawal was very useful. eBay could have added a link like... report if seller is using any kind of extortion

Now it will be taken off. It means that whatever negative received will be a permanent one.

eBay must have heard that some sellers use extortion to get the feedback mutually withdrawn. I don't think that eBay must have ever heard that some sellers also go out of their way in a positive manner and get the issue resolved so that the feedback is mutually withdrawn.

There are a number of reasons for removing Mutual Feedback Withdrawal, including:
We want sellers to focus on buyer satisfaction up front, not after an issue arises

Sellers are human beings, and not God. We can come to know only after an issue has happened. Many buyers directly open up dispute or rate negative without any information. We can only solve issues, We cannot stop them. No on in the world is 100% perfect and similarly sellers on ebay are also not 100% perfect.

There are many issues that arises from eBay's end as well. Then you try to resolve those issues after you get complaints. Can eBay give satisfaction upfront without any issues... NO YOU CANNOT

Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction bolne ko bahot accha lagta hai. But to give complete satisfaction is very difficult. This is india... here no one will come forward to appreciate your good work. But if there is any problem people will start shouting at the top of their voice... (Just as we all are shouting...)

Sometime back eBay proudly annouced that ODR india will now be free for all paisapay transactions. And now they say that it will not be acceptable.

95% of the sellers will be against this. But there wont be any changes, and thats the reason people have stopped writing on the community boards. Aage aage dekho hota hai kya

Re Satisfaction, just take an example of the new paisapay.

I know that the whole eBay team must have worked for months and must have launched the new paisapay with a lot of hard work, confidence and testing.

But were you able to give satisfaction upfront without any issues. Inspite of the hard work, confidence, testing and proper planning there were many things that did not work as it should. Till date people have some problem or the other and ebay needs time to solve it. This does not mean that the team is inefficient and should be pulled up for non performance.

As it is sellers on ebay are always under pressure and eBay always tries to increase the pressure. If you talk to any seller, they are loosing faith, trust and confidence on eBay.

Message 9 of 69
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ODR India will not be accepted from 19th May 2008

Now this is coming as a BIG TIME SHOCK to me !! 😮
Altogether a complete CRAP !
What if, when a buyer leaves a -ve feedback and then willingly wants to withdraw it upon receiving a refund or something ???
FB once left is left ???

Indraneel/other pinks, are you people reading this thread ???

Awaiting some replies from the pinks !!


P.S. Chinmay ji (niceshop4u), I will surely join you.

Message 10 of 69
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