Some posts from Boards
"They are totally messing up things.
Repeat positives are counted ONE if purchased within a week.
But repeat neutrals are not counted as ONE, they are counted as multiple. I got multiple neutrals from one buyer and these are all counted separately as if left by different buyers. "
"The turning of neutrals into negatives is NEW. That was not previously announced.
eBay violates its own policies with this. Here is how a neutral fb is defined:
A positive rating increases the Feedback Score by one point
A neutral rating leaves the Feedback Score the same
A negative rating decreases the Feedback Score by one point
When you include the neutral feedback into calculation, it does NOT leave the Feedback Score the same. So the definition of neutral as "A neutral rating leaves the Feedback Score the same" is no longer valid.
That is simple math. How one can become even a senior manager with such a lack of math? "
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama)
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama)