Each Collection through NEFT is charged at Rs. 28.09 ?

Community Member
I just have come accross an instance where I got charged for receiving NEFT from a buyer. Further I spoke to my bank , who told me that each NEFT transaction is charged at Rs. 25 per transaction + 12.36% Service tax. So you end up paying Rs. 28.09 per transaction to receive a NEFT.

I am just wondering if anyone else got such charge? Is the NEFT of ebay is also charged? If yes we are spending Rs. 225 per month just to receive our own money using the New Paisapay? Is there any way we can go back to old paisapay(DD system) which was free of cost to receive money?
I hope ebay answers this query that is new paisapay free?

Message 1 of 74
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Each Collection through NEFT is charged at Rs. 28.09 ?

Community Member
Hello Indraneel,

I have a 3rd Option also apart from the two mentioned by Devesh.

Let PaisaPay reduce it's Fees by 0.5% to show that it really cares for it's Sellers (Big or Small) .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 31 of 74
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Each Collection through NEFT is charged at Rs. 28.09 ?


Seems like now we have another payee added to our list of People whom we pay. Paying the banks charges, for the changes that have been done by PaisaPay, makes things even difficult for sellers.

It was the decision of eBay to change the process of the PaisaPay. And I really dont feel that many have accepted the new PaisaPay with their complete acceptance on it. The only reason they would be using it, is that it is the only option that eBay has left for its sellers.

PaisaPay needs to be a bit more Seller Friendly rather than Buyer friendly coz we are the ones who go ahead and offer them to the buyers. Yes Buyer Protection needs to be taken care. However the needs of the sellers cannot be denied as well.

According to me, as discussed earlier in this discussion, some of the steps that have been mentioned by others need to be implemented.

1. PaisaPay needs to get registered with all the Major Banks ( Taking into count which banks are basically more used by Sellers - as I feel they have all details as a result of the Registration )
This is will reduce NEFT charges as we could initiate Internal Bank Transfers which PaisaPay could direct the back to do so.

2. There needs to be a threshold limit that the seller can decide on when the automatic amount to be transmitted rather than a usual weekly transaction. Yes one should also be able to request for the transaction ( on the lines of PayPal which again is a Sister company of eBay )

3. As discussed by many that .5% needs to be reduced. ( However this will be beneficial for all those sellers who have high value to be remitted. For sellers who remit lower amount will not benefit much by this )

4. Sellers need to be given an option whether they would like to follow the old pattern that is receive cheques. (The old PaisaPay method)

5. Also Having Internal Banking Transfers will make sure that the amount will be transfered the same very day. Instant remittance. This would make the new PaisaPay sucessfull. As now as well, it takes the normal 3 working days.

Edward Katchira
Message 32 of 74
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Each Collection through NEFT is charged at Rs. 28.09 ?

Community Member
Dear Indraneel of ebay,

Your posting seems just to praise ebay rather than feeling anything about the sellers.

I have not seen any post on this thread mentioning that PaisaPay is charging us NEFT charges. Sellers are not that much ignorant and ill-educated. So, for me, its useless to clarify that PaisaPay is NOT charging NEFT. Everybody knows that to enact NEFT ebay has to bear some cost. After all, for the sellers, PaisaPay is not a free service. We pay for the service too.

The sellers were suggesting some options to relieve their problems and you have not mentioned anything about that. Earlier Sapana at least used to say that she will refer the matter to concerned authorities.

For international deliveries ebay is able to hold PaisaPay payments for at least 31 days ( 10 days for despatch + 21 days for delivery, though its too short for registered mails). So, whether you have banking permission or not, you could have checked the possibilities to allow the sellers at least a months time to decide when to accept their payments. But ebay India peoples seems not interested to waste their time to ponder about the benefits of the sellers. Unilateral and dictatorial mechanisms seems to be more popular in ebay.

The ebay values mention that
"....an honest, open environment can bring out the best in people"
The new ebay PaisaPay system seems to consider all sellers as dishonest as there are so much of schedules and restrictions about date and time and ultimately the payment.
I don't think how many members of ebay can still consider the environment of ebay as an open environment. What openess do we have ? We can not even decide when to take our payment when we have to pay for that.
Its said
"We believe everyone has something to contribute"
In present circumstances only the very big sellers can survive in ebay. Its now impossible to sell small amount of low priced items in ebay because such a very small seller can end up paying more fees and charges than the item price even without selling it.

Its my earnest request that please try to feel the pulse of the sellers as they too part of ebay, may be a too little part of it. .
Best Regards 😄

Best Regards 😄

Message 33 of 74
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Each Collection through NEFT is charged at Rs. 28.09 ?


Though your solution number 3 is highly valued it has little use for small sellers (of whom you were a one time champion).

Say a seller does a business of just 5000 (PowerSeller according to older norms) and get 8 remittances he still ends up paying Rs.225/- which is almost 5% of the amount of remittance. So reducing the PP charges by just 0.5% will not be of any help to sellers who sell less than 45,000/- per month. They will still be loosing money.

I am all for reducing PP charges to below 2% which is the offline rate of accepting CCs and DCs(OBT). Most other sites have even lower transaction charges, like 5% including their commission (FVF) for Branded CE products, while offering 100% chargeback protection and full logistics support.


Message 34 of 74
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Each Collection through NEFT is charged at Rs. 28.09 ?

Hi Swarup,
I also think that the new PaisaP system should take the Ebay values seriously.Ebay is not just a shopping mall.This is a vibrant community.
Hi indconcepts,
You have given the best solution.If they reduce by 0.5%,it takes care of everything.But they should study feasibility for that.
Hi Indraneel,
I would appreciate very much if you include Kalighat branch of State Bank of India IFSC: SBIN0001722..Please dont give any excuses for God's sake.I am receiving PayPal mani into that.If you are interested,I can show scans of that 185 dollars transaction here itself in the community board.
Lastly please consider sellers,more specifically old sellers, as mature and responsible adults,who adheres to community values.
I have full faith in the PaisaPay team.So just start working and you can do it.
Message 35 of 74
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Each Collection through NEFT is charged at Rs. 28.09 ?

Hi Everyone,

Has anyone (other than guys with ER) received their payment through New PaisaPay? ?:| It has been 2 weeks since the buyer paid and item was shipped, but I'm still waiting for buyer confirmation! Does it really take that much long - 15-18 days for a single remittance! 😮

I doubt small sellers like me can hardly bear this 'survival of the fittest'. X-( Those who invest their profit in putting up new products should feel the pain since it will be too late before then can even taste it!

Do let me know what you guys feel. 😄
Message 36 of 74
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Each Collection through NEFT is charged at Rs. 28.09 ?

Community Member
Hello Devesh,

You are very much right that reducing PaisaPay Fees by 0.5% won't be of much help for small remittances.

The practical way out is that ....

ebay should immediately provide an Option whereby the Seller is able to choose the Remittance amount. Once that limit is achieved it can be remmitted in the next cycle.

The second step .... if ebay feels that they should go by the Industry norms .... then definitely the PaisaPay Fees should be reduced by 0.5% to 1.5%.

For Branded products am working on some sites at even Flat 6%. This includes Transaction Fees, Gateway charges, Service Tax, everything .... even the Logistics is of the concerned Portal. .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 37 of 74
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Each Collection through NEFT is charged at Rs. 28.09 ?

Hi digital_das,
I received payments for items for which the buyes confirmation was done.Others are there to see.
Ebay should give ER to good sellers like you and me.I dont misbehave with buyers.I even give positive FB to UPI buyers(who has a reason).
What else do PaisaPay expect me to do?They say they give ER to sellers with good behaviour.
Message 38 of 74
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Each Collection through NEFT is charged at Rs. 28.09 ?

Community Member
Approximately 12,800 sellers use eBay India as a primary or secondary source of income. (Source: A C Nielsen International Research, June 2006)

Even if 10,000 Sellers receive PaisaPay remittances in every cycle then the money going down the drain is as follows :-

28.09 x 10,000 x 8 = Rs. 22,47,200

(There are 8 to 9 remittances every month)

2.2 Million rupees is lots of money ..... which is going down the drain every month irrespective of the amount being received by the Sellers.

I am sure ebay would definitely come out with a solution. .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 39 of 74
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Each Collection through NEFT is charged at Rs. 28.09 ?

Hello Umang,

Need to appreciate you. You seem to have really done your paper work.

I hope this statement of yours with the Accounts will atleast require eBay to have a check on the same.

Why is eBay preparing to waste a lot of sellers money and fill in the Banks pockets.

Edward Katchira
Message 40 of 74
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