Community Court---A Suggestion !!!

As a jury member I find in many many cases the buyer is not brothered to reply at all, In such a case it is evident that what the seller has written is correct and the buyer does not wish to reply. In such cases why does it have to go to the voting stage at all ??.

In my opinion when the buyer has not replied to the case, the negative feedback should be removed from the sellers rating directly without the case going to the voting stage at all because the jury does not have the buyers view to consider, they read only the sellers version and decide the case. So why at all have the voting, ebay should directly remove the negative feedback in such cases where the buyer has not replied.

This will save a lot to time and also reduce the number of cases in the Community Court.

******************************* Regards.
Raj Electronics.
Message 1 of 61
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Community Court---A Suggestion !!!

What I strongly feel is that there should be a limit to which the negative feedback can be allowed to be appealed in the community court so that the essence of the community court is not lost and the manipulative sellers don't take undue advantage of this facility.

I feel that there should be a ceiling to which the number of negative feedback can be appealed on the community court. say, 1 per month or total of 10 per year.

I have also found many obnoxious remarks against me by few selected sellers who I have found equally arrogant towards the other buyers also. I don't get frustrated with these things because I deal with lot of people and I find that it is really hard to be polite in today's stressful conditions.

I firmly believe that one of the greatest victories you can gain over someone is to beat him at politeness. I practice this in my offline as well as online businesses and therefore I don't require any community court at all. The feedback comments that my customers leave for me explains the high level of customer service that I offer. I deal with people all around the world and therefore I interact with people from different cultures. What sounds as a requesting tone in US is perceived as a authoritative tone in UK. Many of my US, UK and Australian buyers are Indians. It therefore, really is, impractical to point out that I don't deal with Indians.

I take it as a personal insult when someone says it is difficult to deal with Indian buyers because I am an Indian buyer on eBay.

I am a Top Rated Seller on eBay UK, which is a very dignified achievement and all the serious sellers in and would strive for it. I have achieved this position through great customer support which I have found lacking in many sellers dealing in from whom I have purchased in past.

The reason why I favor most of eBay policies is because I truly believe that eBay's policies are excellent. eBay is only for those sellers who want to go above and beyond in terms of customer service. You can't compare it with any offline business because there is no eye-to-eye contact with your customer.

Today, many sellers are making noise about buyers being not good or eBay's policies being not fair but they fail to understand that whatever good they have done on eBay is only through the co-operation of eBay and their buyers.

Without a buyer, the seller ceases to exist. Sellers on need to respect their buyers and show that they really care for them. Rather than blaming them for the negative feedback and insulting them after receiving bad feedback, the sellers should politely ask "How could they have improved their buying experience". And that would create the difference. Indian buyers are polite and forgiving once they see that the person at the other end is polite and respects them.

It is very easy to insult buyers and manipulate the community court. But just imagine, what will happen to those few sellers who misuse eBay community court once this facility is withdrawn by eBay? These are limited people, not every seller does this. I have raised this issue in favor of those good sellers who would probably suffer if the facility is withdrawn due to the misdoings of few bad sellers on eBay.
Message 41 of 61
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Community Court---A Suggestion !!!


I really appreciate your eagerness in making eBay clean from unscrupulous sellers. But the way you put forth things (i.e.,frankly), doesn't always attract a fruitful reply.

The way you say and the words which you use creates lots of disturbances among others who directly or indirectly related to the topic.

The same thing is what happend to you in the 'eBay Voices' forum, but I don't want to discuss that in this public forum.

My kind request having met you in person, either avoid commenting against the topic or make sure that you don't touch others' emotions.

This is just my advice and nothing else.

@ to all,

There is indeed going to be a change in the Community Court, in eBay's way, may be within a week's time.

As always, this change should help in cleaning the marketplace and support both genuine sellers and buyers.

@ mobile-phones-etc, will never comment after my final post in his never-ending thread (cut, copy, paste of a scientist's statement) 😉
Message 42 of 61
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Community Court---A Suggestion !!!

Community Member
lol i know. that was funny. but i seriously miss him. Specially Raj Sir (i.e. Rajelectroniks) and Linus. buy genuine mobiles at unbeatable price.

Change is state of mind..but inevitable.
buy genuine mobiles at unbeatable price.

Change is state of mind..but inevitable.
Message 43 of 61
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Community Court---A Suggestion !!!


Good to hear from you after a long time. Hope you are in pink of health and your business is going great.

Actually, while I was invited to voices forum, I mentioned that it was a great honour for me but my experience is all based in US and UK sites and therefore my views would be different as well as too advanced in terms of Indian context. This is precisely the reason why I opted out of the Diwali conference in Mumbai.

The voices meeting, to be honest was not very productive for anyone as eBay management tried to promote certain new facilities rather than taking the opinion of the top sellers on how eBay India can be improved upon. The entire essence of the voices was lost in the meeting which almost everyone directly or indirectly expressed.

That conference was organised to take our views on how could be improved for sellers as well as buyers but it turned out to be some sort of a sales meeting kind of thing, you know.

Anyway, I do accept that when it comes to demanding things, I am very straightforward and not very easy to impress. After all, I was an 'Indian Customer' for eBay 🙂
Message 44 of 61
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Community Court---A Suggestion !!!


By the way, I am sorry, you may not like to accept easily, but the words that I choose are very well calibrated and fit to produce the results that I desire. I wasn't in the meeting to impress anyone at eBay or to display some sort of great English ettiquete.

I didn't find that meeting worthy enough and was a complete waste of my time. And there isn't anything like touching anyone's emotions in these forums so don't you worry about those small issues.

I never hurt anyone personally but you would find many people here involved in doing such things against me. I am above all such trivial issues.

I simply mention that there should be a limit against appealing for the number of negatives in the community court. A seller can't be allowed to get their 5 to 6 negative feedback removed every month. Such practices have made community court a big joke.
Message 45 of 61
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Community Court---A Suggestion !!!


Can I know exactly what problem you have if sellers are approaching to community court for removal of unfair Negative feedback ? If buyer is co-operative then we do our best to resolve the cases. But what is they not co-operative and leaves unfair negative?

I think please don't think about yourself. Think about other members too.

Message 46 of 61
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Community Court---A Suggestion !!!


I want that there should be a ceiling to the number of appeals a seller can make on community court. Lets say, 1 per month or 10 in a year depending on the number of transactions they do and their overall feedback score and tenure on eBay. Indian sellers may find my ideas hard to digest but this the need of the hour to retain the trust amongst the buyers.

For example:
A seller with more than 1000 FB should be allowed to remove 1 FB per month if their transactions on eBay exceed 200 per month.

A seller with 500 FB should be allowed to remove 1 FB per month if their transactions on eBay exceed 100 per month.

A seller with 100 FB should be allowed to remove 1 FB per month if their transactions on eBay exceed 75 per month.

There should be certain restrictions to the number of community court appeals a seller can make.

Currently, the community court is flooded with the sellers asking to remove negative FB. If there are less cases, it will give jury more time also and the sellers who feel that they can take eBay for a ride can be controlled.

Sooner or later, eBay India will have to implement the ceiling in the number of feedback appeals as the buyer community is highly disappointed with the state of affairs related to eBay India's FB policy.

Moreover, and other sites have very strict FB policy. eBay India will have to be in allignment to the and other sites to maintain a uniform law and retain its image as a global company. Sooner or later, the community court will have to become strict with sellers.
Message 47 of 61
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Community Court---A Suggestion !!!


I also humbly request you to read the thread number 40 in this section. I have very explained my concerns in an elaborate manner to the best of my ability in that thread.

Thread 40. Please spare your time to read it. Thank you.
Message 48 of 61
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Community Court---A Suggestion !!!

Dear Mustafa,

Thanks for clarification. But as per me if eBay is not given any limit for selling products, Limit to receive feedback etc... then why you want to place limit for community appeals. We not get same kind of buyer everytime. Also its not in our hand to choose genuine buyers only and also not know what kind of buyer is purchasing the product. So there is no limit on anything then why you want limit for appeals?

I will suggest not to advise such thing which are harmful to sellers who are already selling with troubles which happened due to the New Buyers. Also you know if you make a single mistake then buyer not gives a chance to make correction for it & they takes advantage of feedback system and they directly says to seller if this thing not happen then I will leave feedback.

Why should seller suffer from all this?? What is his mistake?

Message 49 of 61
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Community Court---A Suggestion !!!

"Can I know exactly what problem you have if sellers are approaching to community court for removal of unfair Negative feedback ? If buyer is co-operative then we do our best to resolve the cases. But what is they not co-operative and leaves unfair negative? "

The very same thing.
Most of the Buyers first of all dont confirm the receipt of item.
I personally called 1 of the buyer to get it confirmed whether he received the item safely.
How was the Packing, is he satisfied with the product etc.
By mistake the Warranty card went unstamped, i apologised & assured the buyer that the warranty card will be stamped if he sends the warranty card to us.
Note - A vat paid bill which was duly stamped & signed was in possession of the Buyer

Even then he left us a Neutral Feedback
"Warranty card attached to the product was left blank , no stamp no signature."
Now the Buyer says he cant send the warranty card & he even dont want to get it stamped & agrees that the Invoice will act as a true copy of purchase.
Moreover he's not even willing for a follow up on the Feedback he left.
Message 50 of 61
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