10 Days old Seller Copied 400 Listings From MY ID,THIS IS A OPEN ROBBERY

Community Member
Are their any RULES AND REGULATIONS on Ebay or Not ???????

A 10 Days old Registered ID i.desire has copied/stolen more than 400 of my Listing without any shame or fear !!

The copying / Ripping is so intense that He has almost copied everyting from my listings leaving nothing.
1)The copied the Discriptins Word to Word Font to Font,
2)He copied Images
3)He even copied My Terms and Conditions on the Listing that also word to word.
4)He even copied Seller's payment instructions that also Word to Word.

I had spend More than Rs 25000/- as I hired a Web Designer to make these 400 Listings and this Shameless Robber openly Stole all my Hard work .

IS THERE ANY LAW OUT HERE ON EBAY ????????????????????????????????????????

I am very much tensed on this insident and I am not going to leave this culprit at all , I will for Sure file a Case against this chap for my Mental Harrasment and of Forgery , I will not care at all how much I have to spend to Get this chap behind Bars but I will not leave this chap.
My father is a Very senior person in MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS and i have previously also tought good lessons to theves like these.

I WARN THIS CHAP TO REMOVE THE STOLEN LISTINGS WITHIN 72 Hours , If he fails I will start my Legal work without waiting at all.

Rahul Kumar
Royal Crown Inc
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10 Days old Seller Copied 400 Listings From MY ID,THIS IS A OPEN ROBBERY

Community Member
Are their any RULES AND REGULATIONS on Ebay or Not ???????

A 10 Days old Registered ID i.desire has copied/stolen more than 400 of my Listing without any shame or fear !!

The copying / Ripping is so intense that He has almost copied everyting from my listings leaving nothing.
1)The copied the Discriptins Word to Word Font to Font,
2)He copied Images
3)He even copied My Terms and Conditions on the Listing that also word to word.
4)He even copied Seller's payment instructions that also Word to Word.

I had spend More than Rs 25000/- as I hired a Web Designer to make these 400 Listings and this Shameless Robber openly Stole all my Hard work .

IS THERE ANY LAW OUT HERE ON EBAY ????????????????????????????????????????

I am very much tensed on this insident and I am not going to leave this culprit at all , I will for Sure file a Case against this chap for my Mental Harrasment and of Forgery , I will not care at all how much I have to spend to Get this chap behind Bars but I will not leave this chap.
My father is a Very senior person in MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS and i have previously also tought good lessons to theves like these.

I WARN THIS CHAP TO REMOVE THE STOLEN LISTINGS WITHIN 72 Hours , If he fails I will start my Legal work without waiting at all.

Rahul Kumar
Royal Crown Inc
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10 Days old Seller Copied 400 Listings From MY ID,THIS IS A OPEN ROBBERY

Community Member
This is a very serious matter you should take some hard actions and mention here ,so that no one do this thing in future,
Message 3 of 7
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10 Days old Seller Copied 400 Listings From MY ID,THIS IS A OPEN ROBBERY

eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Hi royal-crown-inc,

I understand your frustration at someone copying your listings without your permission.

I will request you to report the same to eBay customer Support so that they may investigate and take appropriate action against the seller.

In order to contact customer support, you may follow the below mentioned steps:
Click on Listing Violation
Copying your listing
Your picture or description was copied or linked without your permission

Hope this helps!
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10 Days old Seller Copied 400 Listings From MY ID,THIS IS A OPEN ROBBERY

Community Member
Hi Rahul Kumar,

I dont think reporting each listing (400 times) make sense.

If you report, then

Your internet charges,
Total time waste as the same seller lists again from Turbolister.

The best idea is Report the seller to eBay rather than reporting all listings. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 5 of 7
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10 Days old Seller Copied 400 Listings From MY ID,THIS IS A OPEN ROBBERY

Community Member

It had happened to me aswell. It is fairly simple to resolve by complaining to E-Bay. E-bay just remove the listing, if there are more listing they strip off user ID aswell.

One guy copied pictures of my "Nice" Bras and removed only the edges where e-bay logo displayed.

First i thought it is my listing and picture misses something. Finally i understand he is copied everything from me.

You go to e-bay help, then select report a selling problem, then report problem with other seller, select "Listing copied " You have to give comparison like your Item ID and similar listing number from his Item ID. With in 24-48 hours, other guys's listing will not be there. But make sure your listing is created before he created by verifying he serial number of the item id. Like this you report around 4-5 items in different category.

E-Bay definitely helps hard working genune sellers like us.


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10 Days old Seller Copied 400 Listings From MY ID,THIS IS A OPEN ROBBERY

Community Member
I prefer manually report 10 listings every 3-4 days. This will ensure that in 2-3 weeks the seller is booked several times and is suspended.

Will this will be a assasination but if the seller is really genuine he would definetly stop the copying right after the first warning

Regards Superstores_Tech

Ankur Agarwal

Ankur Agarwal
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