Regarding INR and SNAD cases

we selling women's ethnics wear.our categories always SNAD cases opened due to stitching issues.modeling photo is stitched and our product is semi stitched or unstitched that we always mention description.buyer always opened case like "Not as Describe" what can we do in this situation ? how can seller protect them selves ? and many buyer opened INR cases after showing delivered as per the tracking this case INR cases affected to our seller performance.what can i do in this cases ? i think eBay india team have to think about it.otherwise it's difficult to survive for the sellers like us. 

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Re: Regarding INR and SNAD cases

Dear decentfabric,


Greetings from team eBay!


Make sure you are following the best practices to avoid/handle such issues such as :


  • Please upload the actual image of the item you have in possession.
  • Your descriptions are clear and accurate and there is no confusion about the item they are buying. INR case scenarios what you have mentioned, may be case specific.
  • To avoid INR issues, please start using integrated carriers on eBay and EGS services which has great benefits and few protections as well.

We have also shared an update on our announcement board - (Mandated Tracking and Validation Policy)


Please use integrate carrier’s way forward - Below is the list -

US: ,

CA: ,

FR: , AU: ,


Or / and please use - , to fulfill orders.


Incase you have an account manager assigned please connect with them for account specific queries or write to eBay customer support.



eBay INCBT Team

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