hello.i have been thinking to sell in ebay indi amobile phones of differnt models.i am buying it from internatinal market like uk us and thinking of selling here.but i have many confusions.like since i dont have huge investemnt to start with i was considering that i first list my item here.then when anyone purchase and make the payemnt then that payemnt only i send to my international seller and he despatch the good.but i dont know how is it possible iwth paisapay i mean wat i need to do so that i can tranfer the payemnt i recive from my cuastomer to my uk or us seller.and for this whether i need to have any IE code since these sellers will be directly shipping to my customer.
so do nay seller here dealing in mobile phones adopt thi smethod i mean how they basically they souce their product from where and ar etheyable to sell it here profitably.
thanks i know it s whole load of question but i really appreciate if anyone can help.