Did you know that all the important information related to your PaisaPay, is available on your PaisaPay account? For starters, here is some more information on how you may use and understand your PaisaPay account.
The PaisaPay account shows you your Account Balance including:
- Previous Balance - This is the summary of your PaisaPay account balance for the previous months.
- Payment Sent - This is the value of the last payment sent to you by eBay on Account of your PaisaPay transactions.
- Current Balance - Amount received in your PaisaPay Account for your recent (within 7 days) orders
- Pending Balance – This is the amount which is being processed.
The Previous Balance will show:
- The total previous amount sent to the seller.
- The PaisaPay ID for which the payment is sent.
- At the bottom of the page it shows the Date for which the payment is sent, Total payment sent, Service fees charged and Total Amount credited.
- Also it reflects the ‘Period’ on the right hand legend which shows the different PaisaPay payment cycle upto 90 days.
The Current Account Balance will show
- The list of recent orders/ Buyer Details
- The order value
- The PaisaPay Payment ID
- Transaction date.
The Pending Account Balance will show
- All the transactions which are in pending state i.e. OBT & CC transactions.
- The Pending balance is not sent to the seller’s.
Changing your PaisaPay details:
The PaisaPay account also reflects the PaisaPay registration information i.e. Payee name, Bank account number and Bank name. If the seller wishes to change the details, he needs to click on ‘Change’ icon on the right hand legend and edit the details
The PaisaPay account page also reflects at the bottom of the page the next PaisaPay payment cycle date for the seller’s reference.
I hope the above information will be helpful for you.
Happy Selling