on 26-05-2016 11:26 AM
on 11-05-2019 12:33 AM
This music has composer credit of, "David Holy" Holysoft GmbH, released 2016-10-14. As found posted on YouTube.
"Im Land Der Mohikaner Und Mingos", by Holysoft Studios, "Holy Klassiker Folge 13: Der Wildtoter", in the German score of the movie "The Last of the Mohicans"
In 2019, the classical guitar, and slight piano instrumental classical music used as "on hold" music at eBay is unidentified, at least by eBay reps at this point.
This music is not, "Are you going to Scarborough Fair".
This music is played briefly, at the introduction of the scene called, "Im Land Der Mohikaner Und Mingos", by Holysoft Studios, "Holy Klassiker Folge 13: Der Wildtoter", in the German score of the movie "The Last of the Mohicans", I think, and so is somewhat known.
Please forgive any misspeIled words or inaccurate attributions, for now, because I'm only posting what little I have been able to determine, and I don't speak or read the German language, if that is what I'm referencing here.
I suppose, if someone could search the credits for that film version, you may find the actual credits for composer and artists there. I'm not sure if the English version of this film contains this same music yet, or if it even exists.
This method of researching musical scores is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, of coarse. And, of coarse, I'm very interested in obtaining the actual musical score with musical notes and indications.
But, for those of us who seem to be driven by these sorts of things, maybe someone will actually track it down, and identify the title and actual composer & artists performing this version, as it is quite exquisite and performed excellently.
Those of us who really want to know, please continue to search out the correct title and composer/artist credit and post your findings in multiple locations, please. Thank you.
on 28-08-2020 10:31 AM
I think what I'm hearing in the USA (acoustic guitar) is the same music. I'm calling it "Farewell to Thee, Lady Mondegreen," though of course that's not the real title. But it sounds sort of Greensleeves-ish, or at least from that era.
If you know what a mondegreen is, so much the better! I love the concept.
on 30-08-2021 02:18 AM
Thanks a ton. Have been searching for this since 5 years