Normally some computer related books are very expensive. Many can't afford to buy new ones. In my student years I used to buy lots of old books from College Street, Kolkata, at a heavily discounted Price. So you can also list those books where all the Printed matters are readable. If the books are valuable and you are offering a good discount then there may be some buyers even for those old books. It will also be of better use & value than selling it to the cabariwallas at per Kg rate.
You can list those as item condition: old. In the description, describe the condition. Just ensure that the complete matter is readable.
If the books are not of much high Price, individually , then you can sell those in Lots. Say Java lot, JSP lot etc. You can take a photo of the whole lot and put it in the Gallery. Its upto you and your cost management.
Lastly, I must mention that you may have to wait for getting any serious bidding on your books or other items. So just have some patience. I am sure you will love when some unknown person put a good feedback for you. I was thrilled when I sold my first gems lot outside Kolkata!! May be in payment terms its nothing but you are likely to enjoy dealing and interacting with new people !!
Best Regards
Swarup Dutta
Best Regards