UnPaid Item

Community Member
Hello EveryBody,
Iam new to eBay.I was so very jubilant and Confident about eBay way of Selling.
Now I feel I have burnt my fingers.It is so very agonising
and demoralising to find that a genuine seller like me getting cheated repeatedly.Let me explain what had happened all these days.
1.On 21/12/2005 my first listing got sold.
2.On 23/12/2005 it turned-out to be UnPaid Item.The Buyer
was not interested in the Item.
3.On 04/01/2006 I relisted the same item and got sold then
4.On 04/01/2006 I realise that the Buyer is no longer a
registered member.
In both the Cases the Buying Member seems to be One Day
Old,just registered member.
If these types of new members are allowed to Bid and
Back-out from the Purchase,how can a seller pay FVF for
the same Item being unsold.How many times I have to go
through the FVF credit process.So much of time,money and
energy is wasted.Is that the price I get for my honesty
and the eBays emphasis on Values,feed-back rating etc,.If
this situation is going to persist,then eBay will retain
members with unscruplous practices.
What will be your suggestion.Please help me out of this
agonising situation.
Message 1 of 11
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UnPaid Item

Community Member
Dear interwings,

Don't get dishearted if your product has not been sold.

Take these things as experience. Have confidence that your product has market value.

If your product is attracting new buyers, then its really good, some do pay and some doesn't.

Hope your next transaction will be smooth. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
Message 2 of 11
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UnPaid Item

Community Member
Hello snrama Good Morning!
Than q for your consolling suggestion.Still I have the heart-burning.
As you said its wright I take these things as experience,
Ofcourse my product probably has market value.If it is not
bid there is no problem.The problem is every time new member bids and other genuine buyer is blocked from
bidding.I have clearly mentioned in the listing to the
Buyers as:Buyers please contact me for any clarifications before you Bid.Inspite they are doing the same thing.That is why Iam trying to seek your guidance to attract really
serious Buyers
Message 3 of 11
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UnPaid Item

Community Member
Hi interwings,
From the ID and speed of cancellation of registration, it seems that your last bidder was a Nigerian fraud. They try to cheat mainly the new members with such bidding followed by very lucrative proposals. Almost all of us have such experiences.
With your honest listing I am sure you will get some serious buyers soon. You may try to add some more items to your shop. That will attract more buyers. You can look around for some old but valuable books or collectable or something else.
Please don't get disheartened. Best Regards ๐Ÿ™‚
Swarup Dutta
Best Regards ๐Ÿ˜„

Message 4 of 11
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UnPaid Item

Community Member
Many a times it so happens that the buyer changes his mind after he has bid (as the whole listing lasts for a week).
Now as per current procedures, there is no way out for him. Even if he honestly wants to back out, there is no way.
May be Ebay should look into this too.
Message 5 of 11
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UnPaid Item

Community Member
Dear InterWings,

You are little Impatient. This is Online Business; Risk is not but its risk. If you want to start from 00 Rs Investment, then These are very minor fires, You have just burnt your fingers only, Some of Our BEST sellers Like E -Sources, ThethirdI and So more Dynamic Sellers were fully burnt by this fire, So Donโ€™t take it so much hard ... just try to be chilled with ice and do business.

Thatโ€™s the only thing I can say to new buyer.

Yours Sincerely,
Chinmay Tripathi

Message 6 of 11
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UnPaid Item

Community Member
Dear 9ceshop4u,
Than q for your suggestion.Yes you are true probably iam impatient to get my Item sold quickly.Iam getting new surpricing and exciting experiences out of selling.Iam getting a sort of kick on seeing the item getting sold apart from monitary side irrespective of payment.Bye
Message 7 of 11
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UnPaid Item

Community Member
Dear guptasp,
Good Morning Than q for your feed back.
Message 8 of 11
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UnPaid Item

Community Member
Dear emailswarup,
Good Morning Than q for your guidance.
As you said Iam looking around my house for Old articles.
I have short-listed some old computer books.All are Programming Books like-Java,JSP,ASP etc,.In some books
the edges got little bit damaged because it was lying in the car-shed for 2years.Got little bit exposed to sunlight and rain.In some books the main body is intact and few lines at the bottom of the book got completly damaged.
Is it proper to sell these books at this condition.
If so how should the listing be.How can I include in the Photo Gallery,whether each book separately Or as a single
Message 9 of 11
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UnPaid Item

Community Member

Normally some computer related books are very expensive. Many can't afford to buy new ones. In my student years I used to buy lots of old books from College Street, Kolkata, at a heavily discounted Price. So you can also list those books where all the Printed matters are readable. If the books are valuable and you are offering a good discount then there may be some buyers even for those old books. It will also be of better use & value than selling it to the cabariwallas at per Kg rate.

You can list those as item condition: old. In the description, describe the condition. Just ensure that the complete matter is readable.

If the books are not of much high Price, individually , then you can sell those in Lots. Say Java lot, JSP lot etc. You can take a photo of the whole lot and put it in the Gallery. Its upto you and your cost management.

Lastly, I must mention that you may have to wait for getting any serious bidding on your books or other items. So just have some patience. I am sure you will love when some unknown person put a good feedback for you. I was thrilled when I sold my first gems lot outside Kolkata!! May be in payment terms its nothing but you are likely to enjoy dealing and interacting with new people !!

. Best Regards ๐Ÿ™‚
Swarup Dutta
Best Regards ๐Ÿ˜„

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