Try a registry cleaner from, helped me quite a bit. You may also want to run a utility called "ccleaner" that deletes all cookies and empties cache files as well as other general "cleaning" tasks.
Have you run a spyware check and removed any that may be residing on your computer? Here's information on how to do that: Spyware is a hidden program running in the background on your computer. This hidden program may be affecting your navigation through the site. As a group, programs of this type are commonly referred to as "spyware." Go to this website. There are links at the top of the page for such popular spyware removal programs as Ad-Aware (also available at, Spyware doctor or Webroot Spy Sweeper. You can also browse the other free downloads to see a list of all the spyware remover software available. If you do download a spyware removal software, run it on your computer and clean up any spyware. Then restart your computer when that is done.
Is your java version and your web browser current? There were recent upgrades to the site and we are finding that some members need to re-download the Java program. The Java package can be downloaded from here:
For good measure run a scan.
Have you tried a different browser, just on the off-chance that Internet Explorer is 'ailing'? If you'd care to do this, I'd recommend Firefox. It can be obtained free from This information may be of help to you: