As you may have experienced in your job that starting something is often more difficult than mastering it. Believe me, once you start listing, you will be able to master all the techniques very soon.
I think you can think of creating a PaisaPay account. Just click the PaisaPay account link in your My eBay and follow the steps to create the account for accepting online payment. Once you create that account, buyers will be able to pay you online and eBay will periodically send you cheques, less 3.86% [3.5+10.2%ST] PaisaPay charges, for the amount paid by the buyers.
You can also put the Buyer Picks Up and Pays option, if someone want the delivery from your house.
You can also add Listing Designer in Picture and Item details page. Just select a theme, then a sub-theme and a layout. It will look better.
It may take some time to get buyers as you are new but do not get disappointed. Things will change for better. Once you start getting authentic bids, then you can use some eBay paid listing features (like Bold / Border) to draw more bidders. Also if you list more items then also it will increase bidders for your items.
Thrash the frauds and unethical members and report about them to eBay.
Trust me, selling in eBay is much simpler than describing it.
Best Regards
Swarup Dutta
Best Regards