Dear shanthajayaram ,
Welcome to the world of ebay.
ebay is an OCEAN where you need time to master things.
I would try to help you with your questions...
1. It seems you are worrying about ebay Sellers fees. ebay sends INVOICE to all members once a month. Your billing cycle may be either 15th or 30th of the month.
2. Buyer pays through either Credit card or Internet banking via paisapay. Paisapay deducts service charges and sends you the balance amount through weekly cheque. The Paisapay cheque has a cycle from wednesday to Tuesday. It dispatches your cheque on wednesday and through Courier it reaches you on Friday or saturday.
3. To open an eBay Shop, you need to meet the following requirements:
You must have an eBay seller's account.
You must have a feedback score of 5 or higher.
4. You have a provision of charging sales Tax in your listings. ebay provides you a platform to sell..... how you run your business totally depends upon you.
5. There is a Selling tool called Turbo Lister. It would make things easier for you. It has a simple format for where multiple Items, sales tax, Listing title, shipping cost, warranty, return policy, description, pictures etc everything is put on a easy to understand format.
I hope, I am able to help you out a bit.
If you haven't understood anything you may write back again.
best regards
Umang Midha