Lets learn from each other's expertise

Community Member
Dear All,


Lets Learn from each other's expertise.
I am starting this thread where contributions from everybody is expected.
May it be the Champions of Baazee ERA OR the New Comers.
Helpful ebay Staff members too are requested to show their presence.

The purpose of this thread is to put forward your expertise / knowledge which you think would be helpful to other members.

It may be Tips .....which may help in Selling better.

It may be pointing out..... the best Courier Company for National Selling.

It may be the best email service available.

It may be something related to Computers, Windows, Anti-virus, Ad-ware, spy-ware.

It may be something which others shouldn't do .....unknowingly.

Anything which you think would be helpful to others.

Just don't think that a particular TIP is quite common ....there may be someone who might be benefitted out of that.


I am giving you a small TIP ......many of you must be aware of this. But I still feel that there may be few who are un-aware of this.....

For All those who are using Windows XP and find that the system takes too long to BOOT UP.
Also, when you shut down ....the system takes time.
This may be due to many Items place in the start up.
That is..... many icons placed at the right hand bottom........ near the clock.
Icons of skype, Blinking net connection, webshots, Anti-virus, Bit meter, fax, MSN messanger...etc etc..
This slows down the machine quite a lot.
There may be many, who have higher configuration with higher RAM, but still the TIP may be useful.

Just HIBERNATE the system while closing.
For this.... Click start
Click...Turn off Computer.
Press SHIFT.
The Standby button would change to Hibernate.
Keeping the shift pressed ...left click HIBERNATE.

This will save your current desktop state to your hard disk so that you can resume where you left off, than shuts down your computer.




customer king signature 50x220

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 1 of 280
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279 REPLIES 279

Lets learn from each other's expertise

Community Member
hi all i have faced similar problems umpteenth no of times and ebay needs to take strong action against non paying bidders in the form of some seller protection programme.
Message 201 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

Community Member
Hello rajputrulzz & nakatib,

You are charged a Final Value Fee (FVF) if your item is sold, ends with a winning bid, or is purchased. This fee applies whether or not you complete the sale with the buyer.

The minimum Final Value Fee is Rs. 3.00.

Under certain circumstances you may request a Final Value Fee Credit. For example, you can request full credit if a buyer backed out and did not buy the item.


Regarding filters .... Under the Preferences you have options of blocking various Buyers.

For any other information / help you may write back. .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 202 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

Community Member
hi indconcepts! thanks for the reply .but the buyers need to be discouraged to repeatedly do this.this can only take place if ebay holds some fees charged from their account if they bid n not buy.think about it.
Message 203 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

Community Member
Dear nakatib,

You you are quite right.

Until and unless there is some penality for Buyers for not compelting the deal ..... this problem is going to be there.

ebay thinks that ecommerce is at a nascent stage in India and discouraging Buyers could mean low traffic on their site.

So, ebay is shooting .... by placing the gun on Sellers shoulders.

Credit card verification can solve this problem to a great extent. .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 204 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

Community Member
hi indconcepts! hope ebay is reading this!!!!!!!
Message 205 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

Community Member
hi! i am going outstation for 15 days.is there any way i can manage my listings coz where i m going there is no internet access.so how can i manage? my listings go live at the same time how can i assure my buyers that i am not available and the items will be despatched after 15 days? please help?
Message 206 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

Community Member
Hi all,
Here is a small tip from me.

When you list a product on auctions / ecommerce sites, you can now provide a URL to your most current marketing collateral - pictures, datasheets, presentations or surveys directly to where they reside, ie your PC.

This means no limit on GBs, or type of files.

Take a look at http://www.purplenova.com/prod_auction.html
Message 207 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

Community Member
Hi indconcepts ,
Your tip to Hibernate the PC proved very useful to me, now i can turn off and on my PC in no time, that was great but one thing i would like to add that first we have to enable the hibernation from Power option properties from desktop properties
My Contribution will be towards turbo Lister users
I often faced the problem of missing item specifics every time after i use to check for updates,The solution to this problem is-

1. Open Turbo Lister.
2. On the main Item Inventory page, press "CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + R" on
your keyboard (all at the same time).
3. This should bring up a small dialog box. Click "OK."
4. Click "Tools," then "Check for Program Updates." This will download
the latest category, attribute, and pre-filled item information.
5. Once this update is complete, review your items to ensure that the
correct information has been entered (this means you'll need to open the
item, and edit Item specifics, making sure the correct entries are
there, then save).

Then run an update on their TL2 and check if they are able to proceed
further. This should solve your problem.
Message 208 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

Hi indconcepts,
Congratulations for 500+.
I am very very happy to see that.Say I am celebrating this as pre-holi with my glass of rum.
I hope other members also will share my joy.
Anyways,can you tell me this? Say I sell some of my items through a selling manager,then who gets the FB?Or if there is any system of sharing FB?
After you answer this,I shall ask you something more specifically.
Message 209 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

Community Member
Hello Amitava,

Thanks for your wishes ..... ๐Ÿ™‚

Regarding your question on Selling Manager & Feedback ..... frankly I haven't followed what you want to ask.

Kindly elaborate. .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 210 of 280
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