230130508706 Seller ID TANOTESHWARY
I have just raised a refund claim on this item which was not delivered. To my surprise, I am to get only Rs.95.00 !!
Whereas I have been charged Rs. 230
Sale price: Rs. 145.00
Quantity: 1
Subtotal: Rs. 145.00
Shipping & Handling: Flat Rate Courier - Delivery anywhere in India: Rs. 85.00
Neither am I getting the full refund of the product, nor for the courier charges, which was never sent.
On that EBAY is charging Rs.50 too ensuring that it gets its money out of nowhere.
The seller is absconding with Rs.230 in full.
In the bargain the buyer is left with only Rs.95 !!! with no product on hand !!!
Its not ebay its become ebuntybubly for ebay and sellers alike.
I think this case should go to consumer forum.