why do you support only sellers and not buyers.

Why You Support only suppliars not buyers.I had very bad experience in the last transaction(panasonic mobile phone p81}.The seller had sent a defective phone which he refused to replce and ordered me to take it to service centre. When I took it to authorised service center in bangalore they told me that the mother board has to be replaced and I had to pay Rs 7000 for it and it does not come under warranty.it may  starts giving trouble after repairs and  I may loose another 7000 Rs so I did not give it for repairs. It has become a junk. Because of this transaction I lost 13000 Rs.When messages were sent to seller through ebay you never adressed the seller.You never bothered to replay me.Your on line representatives spoke in a very rood manner.Now I feel I should not purchase anything from ebay.

why dont you insist sellers for 30 days replacement policy.






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