second hand items

Community Member
I want to know why sellers do not specify the used period of the item listed for sale?
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second hand items

Dear naveenkkohli,
Its totally the seller wish if he wants to specify the period for which the item is used. If he wish he may not specify such details.(He is just bond to say if the item is New or Used one)

But on part of Responsible Buyer, Buyer must ask him all the questions and must clear all doubts, after getting satisfactory answer the buyer can proceed with the purchase.

Sometime as many details about the items are not specified properly leads to a bad experience.

A reputed seller will always specify all possible details, So that there is no confusion arise afterwards.

I hope you must now know what you should do before purchasing any item.

Best Regards,
Deep Agarwal.
Shree Krishna Gems

Message 2 of 7
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second hand items

Community Member
Dear sir,
I got your point but if seller is bound to describe whether item is used or new then he should be bound to describe the used period also to give bidder an idea of approximate price for bidding.What do you say?
Message 3 of 7
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second hand items

Community Member
You can always ask the seller a question and clear your doubts before bidding or buying a product.This feature of eBay is very useful.
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second hand items

Community Member
Dear Mr Deep,
My question was different.If seller specifies the used period of the item than it saves time & money of the buyer.Don't you want to act clear & keepaway confusions?
Naveen k kohli
Message 5 of 7
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second hand items

Hello naveenkkohli,
I had said the same thing previously,
"A reputed seller will always specify all possible details, So that there is no confusion arise afterwards"

All possible details also include the period for which the item is used.

You can not expect each and every seller to disclose all details.
So, You will have to ask questions to such seller and clear your doubts.

Best Regards,
Deep Agarwal.
Shree Krishna Gems

Message 6 of 7
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second hand items

Community Member
Dear Mr Deep,
Thankyou for reply.As u said that reputed seller specifies the each possible details including used period,I want to stress that EVERY seller should be bound to mention the used period either reputed seller or not because it is on ebay,where faith matters!
Naveen k kohli
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