red_laava - is he genuine?

Community Member
hi guys i have aproblem i have won abid ..the seller is red_laava who has good feedback but i saw a listing in discussion forum abt the same guy with diffrent id had duped others to the tune of 35k.
his account details
A/C NO. 628001029477
PHONE NUMBER: 09836051126
the name shakawat hossain is prominent.. so help me abt checkin whether he is fraud or not..i expext a reply from ebay guys..

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red_laava - is he genuine?

Community Member

There are so many complains on the board about this Shakhawat Hossain and he has not posted any reply. The modus operandi of this red_laava seems to be same as nitin_100. So its most natural to think that this Hossain is the same - a big fraud. Do not risk your money. Just tell the seller that you are not interested to buy considering the multiple complains on board about him.

I am very surprised why eBay is not doing anything firm against such a cheater. Nobody from eBay is replying to any of these threads. Common Sapana, Rohit and all - this is not expected from you. Now, here is the Account details also. Complain with it to the police. I have posted an useful thread for complaining for crimes in Bengal too many times. This cyber crime dept. do some good jobs also. Please don't sit idle. Do you expect us to lodge the complains also ?
There's a quote of Rabindra Nath Tagore that those who commit crimes and those who tolerate crimes are both equally guilty. If you do not take stern measures then many like me will infer that you are also guilty for tolerating such frauds. You may note that the buyers will loose in lacs but you shall also have to pay lacs in refund. When your insurance charges increase then do not push on that extra burden to the members. This guy is cheating such huge amounts that soon somebody may move to consumer court. Then it won't be so smooth for you. Take some harsh stand against the fraud, do not abet them. Report the matter to all possible law enforcement authorities to put such cheat behind the bars. I am really disappointed for not seeing a single reply from you on this issue.

. Best Regards 🙂
Swarup Dutta
Best Regards 😄

Message 2 of 10
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red_laava - is he genuine?

Community Member
Dear Sachin,
This red_laava is selling expensive products way below market prices, which is not realistic. So dont get trapped by the low prices and waste your hard earned money.
It is a shame that has not taken any action against this fraud seller or replied to any mail posted in discussion board regarding red_laava, and it goes to prove that is only intrested in their pound of flesh and give a damn to the buyers.
Be careful of any seller who is selling product below the market price, even if his feed back is 100% because most probably the feed back is incorrect.
Reagrds and best wishes.

Dr. Shamim A. Hassan
Khobar Saudi Arabia
Message 3 of 10
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red_laava - is he genuine?

Community Member
Please do not under any circumstance send the Money first...tell the Seller that you will Pay Cash on Delivery.
This red_laava is 100% Fraud and is nitin_100 only.
NoBody can give products at so low rate ...not even the manufacturer of the product.
Message 4 of 10
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red_laava - is he genuine?

Community Member
Ask Cash On Delivery for the product and its the same opinion from buying_reloaded.

I suspect red_laava's feedbacks is fake.

I suggest you to look some other seller who has a better feeback and affordable price. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 5 of 10
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red_laava - is he genuine?

Community Member
mr. swarup..i dont agree with u......remember buyer protection is jsut 10 K.. suppose i win a bid of 35k and make a payment, ebay refunds 10k - 50 admin 9950/- the seller keeps 20,000 of which he pays a small amount of transaction fees to ebay... so just caluclate and see whoz the loser and who gains..!!! both ebay and the seller gains.... so why wud ebay take action..??? does this make sense to you..??? if u go to google and type and give a search, you will find that this is a world wide phenomena.....and hundreds of aggrieved people.. if u talk to ebay they say " the deal is between u and the seller..ebay has no role to play" if this is the case, then y do we need to pay transaction fees ??
Message 6 of 10
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red_laava - is he genuine?
Community Member
Hello All

eBay is a safe trading marketplace where thousands of Buyers and Sellers have a safe online shopping experience.

eBay recommends its Buyers to be prudent before any transaction and evaluate the item and the seller. As a buyer ensure you have gone through Buying Tipsbefore you make your purchase

In the event of a dispute on a transaction on eBay, eBay has a robust buyer protection mechanism. I suggest you go through this link on Protection for Buyers

In our endeavor to make eBay a safe and secure online marketplace we have a Security & Resolution Centre that helps buyers and sellers to prevent / resolve any disputes thus making it a safe and secure market place
Message 7 of 10
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red_laava - is he genuine?

Community Member

Thank you everyone for taking the time and effort to post your experiences. You've just saved me from being defrauded of Rs.11750. I won an auction for a camcorder from kosher_100 which is the new avatar of Shakawat Hossain. The bank details match exactly with what all of you have posted.

I tried to call him on his mobile number but no one responded. I then took a look at his feedback - 100% for 9 items. I then saw each of the 9 items and guess what - all of them were Rs.80-Rs.100 sales of game CDs.

I then did a search for "shakawat hossain kolkata" on Google and came up to this forum.

Nice work guys - this is the only way genuine buyers can protect themselves. Can't depend on eBay to do everything.

eBay policies need to change if they want to protect their own reputation. How about systems such as PaisaPay required for new sellers, and only one bank account per ID?

Thanks once again, and I hope this helps future buyers.

Message 8 of 10
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red_laava - is he genuine?

Community Member
eBay should devise a system to prevent entry of fraudsters coming again to eBay with a different user id, after deregistered once. This will go a long way in making eBay a safe place for buying/selling. It is not understood why filtering is not done while registering a new user for the names which are suspended earlier.
Message 9 of 10
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red_laava - is he genuine?

Community Member
I hope eBay should trace out the culprit from the Bank details by now. Its too long seeing such super fraud, Shakawat Hossain, cheating on eBay with changing IDs. He is coming back with new ID almost every fortnight.

If eBay has already taken at least some legal action other than just deregistering (which is not at all sufficient) then they can mention those in brief and take us all in confidence.

Please note that the fraud, Shakawat Hossain, has done long term planning for such cheating. The present ID of kosher_100 is more than 2 months old. He may be having another 100 dormant IDs now. On 20-Feb he has successfully sold items worth more than 2 lacs thru kosher_100 ID. If he has got payment for even 50% of that then its another 1 lac in this cheater's booty. If eBay's legal department choose to sit idle on this issue then I don't think it will be a prudent act and they will pay dearly for that in near future. Best Regards 😄
Swarup Dutta
Best Regards 😄

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