When you order on the internet you have to accept that the ordered product may not be in stock.
If you ask the seller a question before making the purchase to ensure that the product is in stock.
Most online sellers especially those who are into catalogue selling, list products without actually holding stocks. All their listings are on back order, i.e. once an order is received, the sellers places an order with his supplier for the product. Since the seller does not control the suppliers inventory, there is a one in 20 chance or one in hundred chance that the product paid for will not be in stock.
This does not happen with sellers who do business on stock and sell model. You will find these sellers only having between 5 and 20 products for sale.
So if you see a seller having more than 20 products on display you sould always call or mail the seller (ebay allows sellers to put up their contact information on the listings) before making the paymnet. Most PowerSellers have a helpline available on alteast 5 days a week during busines hours.
Once suggestion for ebay is to have two type of listings for sellers:
1) Item in Physical Stock.
2) Back Order.
This way buyers can make a informed choice and will be able to differenciate between professional sellers and back order guys.
It can have penalities for Physical Stocks sellers in case do not dispatch after receiving payment.