Dear veena253010,
Looking at the matter it seems that neither you nor your Seller has any bad intensions.
It seems that your Seller made a mistake by quoting a wrong price.
You oblidged him by not paying for the Item.
But the problem is that ebay charges fees to the Seller once you commit to buy.
To get that fees back the Seller has to file an UPI dispute.
Now listen carefully.....what you have to do....
You reply to the dispute by saying that....You still want to pay or would accept mutual withdrawal of the deal.
Your Seller would then close the dispute saying that you both have agreed to cancel the deal.
Then ebay would send you a mail to confirm mutual cancellation.
Once you confirm the deal would be cancelled.
The Seller would get back the fee and you will not get an UPI strike.
If you still face any problem, you may revert back on this board.
Umang Midha
best regards
Umang Midha