I registered my name with Baazee recently and listed certain items for the QUICK BUY.Immediately on listing i received the confirmation mail also.Subsequently after 2 days of listing i am getting mails from the "service@baazee.com" as below " listing could not be created on Baazee as you did not have the minimum feedback required to use Fixed Price Listing Feature.You
need to have a minimum feedback score of 0 to use this feature.
Click here to read more (link to
As per it i clicked the link and read the following :
Minimum Feedback Score Required to Use Some Listing Formats
Users will need a minimum feedback score to upload items with some Listing
Formats. The feedback requirements are:
Condition Feedback Required
Multi Quantity Auction 10
Multi Quantity Buy It Now 10
Buy It Now Auction 5
I am unable to understand the meaning of "minimum feed back score "
Please explain to me the meaning and what i should do to get the minimum feed back.
I look forward to your reply to relist the product.
Thank you.