sir till now the curiour with awb no. z52673010 not recieved.whereas it was shipped on 24 jan 12 by seller and the same was informed to me by ebay sms with me
dtdc record shows it was delivere on 4 feb at around 1211 hrs.but truth is I have not recieved any curior with this awb no(dtdc curior)what is the truth want to know.AND when I opened a case of item not recieved on 06 feb 12 your seller did not turn up(follow up) till 12 feb.So I request you to reply about the money which was paid thru credit card on 21 jan 12 then why the customer was delivered with right item till 10 feb 2012.
and later on 12 feb PM i GOT an curior with different awb no sent by a vendor from jaunpur U.P.(Not from onlinemall2011)And the modem in this curiour was having scratch and was not the same which I booked on your site and the scratch was verified by the curiourman.
on 13 am I recieved a Call from a man NAME Sandeep from delhi claiming to be the owner of onlinemall 2011 requesting me to forget about the dtdc curiour awb no.z52673010.And offering me discount of another Rs 200 or Rs 300 discount but to revise the negative feedback.
PLEASE EXPLAIN ABOUT THIS TRIANgle.Is it the way ebay is dealing?
Till now neither the ITEM CHANGED nor the refund is madesince the item was not delivered as per paisa pay time line or your policies are only for the benefit of ebay and not customer oriented.
Request every one to know your Rights before purchasing or selling a product from ebay
Please go to the link below and understand what you can do
if you have any problem, then please contact ebay customer care, As there are procedures to address your issue
Ebay team
?Once the payment was made on 21 jan 12 then why the item was not delivered as per Paisa Pay time line
?why the refund is made till now nor any of my queries answered till now by you.
?If the dlivery as per PAISA pAY timeline was not done by the seller then why the Automatic refund was not done.
# I suggest you not to play with customer's money.
# I am expecting a call from you or quick reply from you or otherwise going to lodge a complain in the Consumer court within next two days.
#Your seller once claimed that he has sent me the POD of curiour AWB No.z52673010.that even has not reached me till date, your seller seems to be universal lier and you are not rising to occasion.
# My intension was very clear to buy a modem from you(ebay)that is why I made a immediate payment thru credit card but ebay did not ensured that the customer is delivered with the booked item as described in the site of ebay at the time of booking as per the paisa pay timeline.
# and if your seller could not met the paisa pay time line then as per your policy refund should have already been done by you by now.
#Ebay team so far so much interaction has been done with your seller now the time has come to make him realise the blunder he has done,and dont ask me to respond to his mail as thing s are all clear and open now.and
#he has no reply for even a single question.