only credit cards and online transfer of three banks are allowed for the payment process in ebay.
do you know one thing?
no banks issue credit cards other than state capitals and district head quarters.
this ignores the payment options for majority of internet users who live in small towns.
there are lots of people who live in the cities and still dont have credit cards like students,middle and old aged people.they all ignore ebay just due to lack of wide payment methods.
ok let me address the next issue....
ebay accepts online money transfers from only 3 banks.what about the rest of people who have accounts in wide array of banks?
nobody will go open account in ebay specified banks to buy something thru ebay.
alternate solutions.....
1.accept payment methods from most banks.
2.incorporate icici payment gateway where they accept most debit cards.
give some payment solutions for the rest of the community who doesnot own a credit card and who doesnot have net banking accounts in those 3 banks.
then see how ecommerce grows thru ebay...
i know that you already know about this and sincerely hope that you people are working towards it.
wisging ebay and its users in every aspect.