eBay policy is junk platform for buying any thing online. It's big fraud

Community Member
Few days back I had order one Sony z utra flip cover through eBay. Now u see series of event.

I am staying in Vasai Mumbai And the same address mentioned by me for delivery of product.
Suddenly I got message that product is delivered. But where ? At Bangalore to some receptionist through fedex courier service.
So first reply from Fedex Sir we got address of Bangalore for ur product. U please speak to seller.
Then written email to seller ..that how u can send on address of Bangalore...they said they received the details from eBay. And acted accordingly. So now I have written email to eBay that though ur website indicates product is delivered , i haven't received it.
I got reply from eBay...is more hilarious...Sir please resolve ur issue amicably with seller!!!!
Now I m really worried about the logistics and the level of infrastructure through eBay operats.
It's fraud company and did not care for its own systems forget about the customer.
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Re: eBay policy is junk platform for buying any thing online. It's big fraud

Community Member

Yes I totally agree that eBay is fraud company. Everyone please be carefull while shopping here. Better dont shop thru ebay....


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