Hi deepakpat,
As you rightly pointed out, MOST of the listings were higher than market price. However most of the
successful listings are at rates which are either at or below the price you mentioned.
eBay India is a marketplace and sellers have the freedom to decide their own pricing. In any marketplace one has to look hard to find the best deal.
Some pointers that might help you out:
- Did you know that you could search for listings that have ended? On the right hand navigation pane in the Search Options section you can check the completed listings checkbox to get a fair idea at wht price items are actually selling (and in the case of the W550i it goes even as low as Rs. 12,100).
- You can sort the items by lowest price (the sort by drop down is located at the top right corner of where the actual listings start appearing)
- You can filter your search using the 1 Paisa search (again located in the search option section of the left navigation pane) filter which will give you all items which started on auction at 1 paisa. These items may typically go at lower rates.
- You can search for Used Items (Search Options section in the Left Navigation Pane). In certain cases you could get fantastic deals (30% - 50% off) on items which have barely been used for a few months.
- Finally again using the search options section you can specify the maximum and minimum prices so that you only get to see the listings you are interested in.
Having said this it possible in certain cases where buyers are situated in relatively remote locations, that prices go higher than the MRP that you would see in a metro city, since these items may not be avilable in those cities. Also be sure to check what the sellers are offering as in some cases sellers will bundle additional products together and charge a marginally higher price.
To reiterate, eBay offers you great search tools & facilities that can help you find exactly what you are looking for. Time spent on familiarising yourself with these options would be well spent.
Happy Searching & Shopping!
Category Management.
Category Management.