9 Days since Ebay.in saw daylight, and Bazee.com went into Hibernation. What do I make of it all ?
The G O O D 🙂 :
1. Increased Sales and Traffic
2. Many More Features
3. International Level Technology to power it all
4. Better Feedback System
5. Product Listing much more convinient with Turbo Lister
The B A D ?:| :
1. Learning Curve is very high : Some features leave a lot of doubt in the sellers mind ( ex - Does the selling manager send an email to the buyer when you add notes in the ' notes to buyer column ' etc )
2. Ebay.in sometimes, fails to load : and only frequent page refreshed will get you back. This happens randomly.
3. Slow Page Loads : I am on a 128 kbps Connection.
4. Interface can be confusing sometimes
5. Fees are too high : We might get sales out of using special listings, but a massive percentage of those sales, never get completed.
And The U G L Y :-(:
1. Paisapay : To tell you the truth, i miss the old paisapay System. In the last few days, out of 8 Paid Orders, 7 were paisapay. Out of these 7, 5 Payments have been pending for quite some time now ... this is quite irritating for both the buyer and the seller. In the buyers accounts, the payment has been debitted, but it has still not been creditted to my paisapay account : Does this substantiate any claims of Paisapay being FAST, SECURE, AND CONVINIENT ???
2. Shipping Options : I provide Local Courier, and National Regular Shipping options to my customers. Even though i have included in my listing, directions to the buyers to choose National - Regular, if they are outside Kerala, some of them end up choosing Local Courier. And If they pay by paisapay, i have no means of collecting the unpaid amount ! Even if i try to do that, it voids the basic feature of paisapay : CONVINIENCE. What is the point of using paisapay if the buyer still has to send a Draft ?
I suggest, ebay looks at the buyers pincode, and applies the corresponding Shipping Charges Automatically.
3. Email Subjects : When an alert is sent to Sellers about a new Purchase, please use the old bazee subject. Instead of using " Order Rec .... Item Number xxx " use, " Order Received .... BUYER ID / Order ID ". This allows us to file/filter the Emails better.