See the fact is eBay has nothing got to do with the community court, community court is run by voluentering jury, and even you or any one can become a jury if the person has knowledge of both buying and selling, and good knowledge of ebay system.
Now the -ve feedback which you are using what do you get from the same ??? and sellers donot have any issues with the -ve feedback, if they were allowed to sale despite the same, and the -ve feedback is used as a constructive criticism, but eBay will suspend your seller if he has more then a prescribed number of -ve feedbacks.
Thus the need of community courts as then one day only a few sellers will e left on ebay who will monopolize the entire market place, more sellers means more competition and better services and better rates to the buyers.
Thus simple advise to all proponents of community court being FAKE, why don`t you all register as jury members and start deciding on cases, then you will understand from a third point perspective as why your cases are getting rejected with 51 percent majority to the seller.
See, the -ve feedback is the last resort and unique to ebay system, where by it utilises this data to penalise the seller, now i donot understand when you have ebay guarantee program running, umpteen other claim prgram running.
now also your return shipment cost is paid by ebay under ebay guarantee, what is the need of posting a -ve feedback, its entirely an ego issues, please donot wage a war with your seller, its like one of those school teachers, who used to make your life hell, if you did one mistake or erred as human in any of the homework or school, why are you pouring your daily life frustrations on the sellers, here, they already are made mute animals by ebay, as they cannot retaliate and are castrated to the extent, that any buyer can abuse the system and make hay, at the expense of his seller, if i am a buyer today i will 100 percent buy from ebay any goods, as such safety and claims are not availble in any other system.
The entire consumer interests are protected, try buying something from big bazaar and such big outlets and if after 10 days it goes faulty, see what they will do, and try posting a -ve feedback to them ??? what will happen nothing, so please donot denigrate the power given by the ebay system to the buyer.
Its a well known fact that ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY, that is what the buyers in ebay have become CORRUPTED, armtwisting for speedy delivery, threatening on each and every transaction with -ve feedback if even the goods donot smell right.
Yes check my feedback, i got a buyer who says, his home started smelling bad, by using one of the pouches we have sold, that is why she posted a negative feedback, if you become a jury you will see, how CORRUPT the buyers have become, thus i implore to all the buyers here to just become jury and experience the entire thing, then they too will vote in the favour of the seller.
As for all stupid reasons the buyers are posting -ve feedback, i donot deny that some sellers do deserve that, but 95 percent of the feedbacks are dumb, and just pure egoistic outbursts of buyers.
They really have started abusing the system, thus the need of community court to keep the eBay ECOSYSTEM in checks and balances.
And all democracies have an adjudication process, as ebay is a democratic market place it does too, you may put the -ve feedback, but its the community that decides whether you have abused the process or not.
Simple litmus test for your feedback whether it will be removed or not is, if you have communicated with the seller , and even even then he not been able to satisfactorily iron out your grievances or you did not have any other option left except -ve feedback, then only the jury will vote for the buyer.
Otherwise your -ve feedback is bound to be rescinded.Hope you will join the JURY instead of fuming here and see by yourself whether the court is FAKE or for REAL.
In my opinion this is the most groundbreaking, e-justice system, which should be implemented in other government adjudication processes too, as the jury will not have any pressure as whom to vote, and they are free, and their names are not disclosed and the justice is also fast.
Please do read the minimum requirements which are made keeping in mind that jury should have no prejudice against any sellers or buyers, and should have experience of both , only then he can be classified as fair.