on 16-06-2005 10:59 AM
The item no: 6964732384 was bought and paid using Paisa Pay on 14th june 2005.
But the payment status 2 days later still shows this message :
" This item is pending payment through PaisaPay (PaisaPay ID 73499300). Payment was sent on 14-Jun-2005."
What is taking so long for you to credit my account when the buyer has paid using paisapay and his account is already debited?
I am unable to ship out my item if you don't credit my account soon and I stand to lose my reputation on ebay.
I am requesting for a quick look into the above matter and sorting it out in the least possible time.
With best regards
Dr. Abheek Ghosh
ebay id: abheekg
paisapay id: abheekg
on 16-06-2005 11:54 AM
on 17-06-2005 01:05 AM
on 17-06-2005 06:48 PM
on 04-07-2005 01:31 PM
on 04-07-2005 01:31 PM