Why is this item pending payment ?? I stand to lose my reputation.

Community Member
Message for the EBAY team

The item no: 6964732384 was bought and paid using Paisa Pay on 14th june 2005.

But the payment status 2 days later still shows this message :

" This item is pending payment through PaisaPay (PaisaPay ID 73499300). Payment was sent on 14-Jun-2005."

What is taking so long for you to credit my account when the buyer has paid using paisapay and his account is already debited?

I am unable to ship out my item if you don't credit my account soon and I stand to lose my reputation on ebay.

I am requesting for a quick look into the above matter and sorting it out in the least possible time.

With best regards

Dr. Abheek Ghosh

ebay id: abheekg

paisapay id: abheekg

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Why is this item pending payment ?? I stand to lose my reputation.

Community Member
Hello abheekg and all users,

Due to a technical issue, all payments made through HDFC Online Banking gateway and some credit card transactions made since Monday, the 13th of June, continue to be shown as pending. We are working to get this resolved at the earliest.

We shall inform you as soon as the issue is resolved.

We apologize to our users for the inconvenience caused.

Regards, Rohit
Community Development Team

Thanks and Regards,
Buyer Engagement Team
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Why is this item pending payment ?? I stand to lose my reputation.

Community Member
The same thing has happened with me..On 13/06 I bought the item No:6402601046 and paid by paisa-pay on line transfer through HDFC Bank and my a/c in HDFC bank shows narration on 134/06/05 13476/Ebay India-paisa pay ref.No:613162008-13th June 2005 for rs.7500.00" where as on my ebay it shows "This item is pending payment through Paisa-pay(Paisa pay ID 73400444)payment".I do not under stand one thing ,if you are having problem with HDFC Bank why dont you mention the same on the payment page so that the buyer looks for alternative payment option.I needed the product urgently but even after 4days of making the payment I am stuck where I was on 13/06.I have mailed to the seller but not received any communication till date.Please let me know how much more time it will take and when can I expect the product?I need a posetive reply from your end at the earliest possible.If it takes more time kindly cancell my bidding and arrange to refund the payment to my account....Kalingabull
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Why is this item pending payment ?? I stand to lose my reputation.

Community Member
Hello kalingabull,

I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you due to the PaisaPay delay.

I wanted to inform you that the issue has been resolved, and all the HDFC payments are being processed.

Thank you for your patience, Regards,
Community Development Team

Thanks and Regards,
Buyer Engagement Team
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Why is this item pending payment ?? I stand to lose my reputation.

Community Member
Same problem as listed above......what sort of technical expertise u guys have?? You said 13th june...I had similar problem faced earlier...about 2 months back too which was also reported then by me. Is it always necessary for some one to post or complain before the issue gets resolved??
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Why is this item pending payment ?? I stand to lose my reputation.

Community Member
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