I bought a item no. 260976841013 (Quantum 6 Way Spike Extension Cord 6 Amp 240V Universal Socket Fuse Protection)
under 1 year replacement waraanty
2 days after a i charged my cell phone, it stopped working. I raised a claim of replacement through ebay.(The biggest ever mistake of my life.)
The guy(Abhijit/Abhijeet Parmar) from claim department called up like a POLICE guy, so RUDE, 1 can never talk to his customers like this.
Instead of helping me to claim replacement for the product, He was telling me that you have MISUSED the product, so I am closing the CLAIM. (he repeated this for more that 10 times)
I asked him what do you mean by 1 year replacement warranty, how can a person claim for replacement without using it, he was like no u misused it (he was commanding like a BOSS), i don't know why ebay has such kind of employees who don't even have a sense that how should you behave with the customers.
To hell with that guy and request ebay to look into the matter and provide a solution for the same, n if ebay is also supporting this kind of behaviour then I mist say, I should discontinue my account with ebay
If can't help in this matter, please tell me the process of de-activating/deleting my account from ebay.