Dear eBay,
Shop Vacation Settings gives major problem.
I found the reason why my sales is stopped for a week. I will explain in details what happened. Before other sellers become victim of this problem, please fix this problem.
Read this thread first...
Shop Vacation Settings gives major problem.
I use shop vacation setting to announce my promotion and other details i want to convey to the buyers. It is a nice feature and useful for me. Unfortunately this is not working after "My Shopping Cart" is introduced.
There are 3 options in the Shop Vacation Settings. Even other sellers can check this option by clicking below.
1. Make my Shop Inventory listings unavailable
2. Display vacation message in all of my available listings
3. Display vacation message near the top of every page in my Shop.
If we set only option 3, the shop vacation setting is suppose to show message only in header and still allow the buyers to buy from our shop. But unfortunately if we set Vacation settings ON, it is not allowing the buyers to buy any item including online listing. It is not the way it is suppose to work.
For example i set Shop vacation settings ON, but option 1 and 2 i don't set anything. So the listing should be normal, unfortunately buyers cannot buy. Only in option 3 i show message about my promotion. The message is displayed in my shop header.
To Sapana : If eBay technical team need more clarification about this problem, please feel free and write to me.
eBay please fix this problem as soon as possible, before other seller become a victim.
Again for your reminder, it is not my fault, eBay has to deduct my 1 week fees because of this problem. I am going to fight up to the highest level for the my fees deduction. Also i am going to report tomorrow to Country head about this fault. I hope eBay will take care the victims like me.
Kind regards,