Shopping Cart is calculating Shipping Discount for 2 or more items from the SAME listing only NOT for 2 or more DIFFERENT items of same category.
I am selling American Diamonds in my eBay Shop. It is listed for different colours and shapes and I am giving Shipping Discount even though a buyer buys more than one item from different listings as well.
I have changed the Combined Shipping setting in my Selling Preferences and created PROFILE too with different Shipping Discounts for different categories. For American Diamonds I changed it to Rs. 12.00 for additional item and REVISED all my American Diamonds listings with this preference in the REVISE SELLING FORM too. Still when I add 2 different items in the Shopping Cart it is calculating the full shipping charge of Rs. 100 for 2 items instead of Rs. 62.00 (First item costs Rs. 50).
Now, the problem with the Shopping Cart is that a buyer has bought 5 American Diamonds of different colours from 5 different listings. The shipping charge is calculated full for all the 5 items (ie. 250 instead of 98). Shopping Cart is not calculating the discount, neither the buyer can edit the Shipping Charge nor he can request for an invoice.
At least there should be an option to Request an updated invoice from the seller in the Shopping Cart page.
If there is no way to allow discount for combined shipping for different listings then I will loose my sale and thus the other sellers too.
The buyer is frustated, he is trying to buy those 5 items since 3 days. Please fix the problem soon or suggest me what step should I take so that the buyer is able to buy it.