Time Extension - Non practical / I am moving out of eBay- Sorry

Community Member
Hello eBay Team / PaisaPay Team,

I hope you are aware that i am slowly moving out of eBay, trying to sell the present stock and planning to close the shop soon. This is sad decision, because with the present rules i cannot work, even i stopped writing in community. I have no option left with the new rules and PaisaPay. Actually i pulled out all my online listing to reduce my sales, everything in shop view (Though sales is good 🙂 ), since i am not doing active. I am always thankful to all the wonderful people in community and the eBay Team.

Non Practical Time extension request

A Buyer order 4-5 items, and he get discount for shipping cost for the combined shipping, but why am i to request buyer to confirm time extension for each item, since it is a combined shipping ?. This is non-sense and waste of time for a seller and buyer. Can you show us one place per order (Combined or separate) to ask for Time extension ?.

One buyer bought 3 items and he accepted time extension for 2 item, and 1 item he declined. God know why he rejected ?. So what should i do now ?

Another problem is even after get time extension for shipping and delivery, the rule says when i enter shipping details, the delivery time automatically starts, for example i requested 7 day extension for shipping and 8 day extension for delivery, if i ship next day and enter my proof, the delivery time start counting. I need at least 30 day safer time delay in total for safer side delivery. So with the present PaisaPay it is impossible.

Thanks for eBay to mess up the whole community, system, PaisaPay, etc, so that i can close this business and spend more time with my family/friends.

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Time Extension - Non practical / I am moving out of eBay- Sorry

Hi runalaila,
The lady,who was managing my accounts,used to call me long after eBay India stripped me of my PS.Once she said ebay india will give me either a pendrive or a music system for listing sooo many items and good CR.I told her to give me a letter first.That letter never landed in my mailbox.
I liked her behaviour.But she is powerless.
Please note that I never asked for anything.I am happy as an ordinary community member.
I dont have ambition anyways.
Wish all members,pinks and all your families a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Message 21 of 29
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Time Extension - Non practical / I am moving out of eBay- Sorry

Community Member
which is not correct

i think the INR and SNAD feature which is a feature across all ebay sites
can still be used .
A buyer can raise an INR even after paisa pay confirmation deadline has passed
Though the money is released once after the cofirmation deadline is passed .
The ability of the buyer to still open an INR will remain open and then
the dispute console redressal mechanism takes over .... is what i understand .
I find it odd myself but thats what i understand
hope i am wrong .
Message 22 of 29
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Time Extension - Non practical / I am moving out of eBay- Sorry

Hello Deepji,
3 blind men went to an elephant.
1.First man touched its trunk and said elephant is like a hose pipe.
2.Second man caught its leg and said elephant is like a pillar.
3.Third man held its tail and exclaimed:elephant is somewhat like a rope.
God only knows what is cooking inside pressure cooker.
Wish you a prosperous New Year.
Message 23 of 29
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Time Extension - Non practical / I am moving out of eBay- Sorry

Community Member
God only knows what is cooking inside pressure cooker

Absolutely correct, Amitava.

Ram krishan
Message 24 of 29
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Time Extension - Non practical / I am moving out of eBay- Sorry

eBay Employee
eBay Employee

Just wanted to provide some clarity on the buyer's right to open Item not received (INR) and Significantly not as described (SNAD) dispute after the New PaisaPay timelines are over:

Can the buyer still file a dispute for Item Not Received (INR) in the Dispute Console?

The buyer can not file a dispute for item not received in the Dispute Console if he had earlier confirmed receiving the item or till he time the said transaction is not complete. He can however raise an Item Not Received Claim (INR) in the Dispute Console once the transaction is complete in case he missed to raise a Refund Claim within the allowed timelines.

Can the buyer file a dispute as Significantly Not As Described (SNAD) in the Dispute console?

Yes once the buyer confirms item received in his PaisaPay account he can file a significantly not as described dispute in the Dispute console. Some of the common reasons a buyer would file this claim is for item not working, different colour not as described etc.

Do feel free to post in more questions if any.

Message 25 of 29
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Time Extension - Non practical / I am moving out of eBay- Sorry

Community Member
Thanks Sapana for the clarification.

That means ....

If the Buyer misses out the timeline to confirm the receipt of Item ..... he still can file INR and get back his money.

But .....

If a seller misses out in punching the shipping details ..... then he looses the money as well as the Item.

That means Buyer's money is hard earned money ..... and Seller's money and hard-work is of no importance.

You can only have Quality Buyers if you have Quality Sellers on site ..... and to retain Quality sellers you have to give them protection and a stable business environment. .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 26 of 29
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Time Extension - Non practical / I am moving out of eBay- Sorry

Community Member
Dear Umang,(eBay Team)

Well said !!!

I am in wait and watch situation. My situation is like watching a pressure cooker like fellow sellers. I only know the results after opening the pressure cooker. God only knows what is going on so far.

My Account Manager (Seema) helped me to hold that refund claim for the missed shipping details. But still i have to beg my buyer to approve the same. I don't know why i have to beg the Buyer for the missed shipping details from my side. Do you think sellers are Bhakra Goats ?

My deadline for new PaisaPay is 01 Mar. If PaisaPay fails to protect me, read my header of this post.

I request eBay/PaisaPay to give us at least two privilages.

1. Give me option to set minimum delivery time. Max 30 days OK. If buyer interested let him buy, if not i don't care. Most of the experienced buyers agree for that, new buyers does not understand anything.

2. Don't ask me to enter shipping details for item sold below Rs.1000. It is waste of time for me entering these details. Also i frankly don't know how many shipping companies allow you to track the shipping online correctly ?.

if these two things are done, i can still consider working. I have already conveyed my problem to Seema(Account Manager), to pass the same to Country Manager and PaisaPay. I hope we poor Sellers will have some rights soon.


Kind regards,
Message 27 of 29
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Time Extension - Non practical / I am moving out of eBay- Sorry

Community Member
Dear friend:
Sorry to disturb you! New Year is coming, and are you looking for some crazy products? Then come here, http://www.ecity58.com is a world famous electronic wholesaler in China, Such as: TVs, laptops, phones, xbox, ps3, etc. It is a paradise here, and we believe you will enjoy here. Thanks for your browsing. Best wishes!
MSN: ecity58@hotmail.com
Message 28 of 29
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Time Extension - Non practical / I am moving out of eBay- Sorry

Community Member
Ebay is Buyer Centric...Thats all...They are only focussing on Buyers protection,Buyers greivances etc etc etc......

Year 2007 was for Buyers!!!!Hope Year 2008 brings sum relief to the seller community.

The punching in of shipping details is a real waste of time...and have u guys seen the charges for offering paisapay EMI facility for a product which is costing Rs.2000/- or less...??? Here again for buyer's convenience of easy instalmments...seller has to pay the price....there are so many such examples...

The seller will have to inflate prices to accomodate all these changes and that only means extra revenue to ebay and damage to the seller's business...Buyers will stop buying but ebay will still get the listing fees.

One Buyer Purchased a Saree from me and then she said she doesnt have money and that it was too expensive for her to buy and that she cannot afford it..With due respect,i told her that i will mutually cancel the order...and when i send the mutual agreement message..she turned if down saying she was ready to buy the item.now ebay closed the dispute and also did not refund me my FVF saying Buyer wants to go ahead with the purchase.I mailed her many times but there was no response and now she is NO Longer Registered on Ebay!!!!There is no relief for me to get back my FVF....BECUASE DISPUTE STANDS CLOSED.Why shud we sellers be penalised like this...we lose the listing fees because of fake bidders...we lose genuine buyers because of fake bidders!!!we lose our Time..Money...our hardwork becomes useless.....but who really accepts and cares for the plight of sellers here!!!And why will they do....they are not losing ANYTHING!!!!

neways no use crying over anything thing here because it will only fall on deaf ears...there is no Recourse once a decision is taken by Ebay...Its FINAL...COME WHAT MAY....Atleast thats whats happening in the current scenario.

May God save us all Sellers and bring sum peace this new year..May Justice Prevail!!!!

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