There are many sellers ( includin me ) who sell Genuine Products which have Manufacturer Warranty.. Thus is will be more expensive than Dealer warranty.. So like when a person searches for a product .. Warranty type should show up on search page with an icon.. like " M " Manufacturer Warranty " D " for dealer warranty etc.. just like ue paisapay icon " P ".. should be flashy and attractive... cause this will show the user that he can pay 500-1000 more and get a genuine product.. this should be HIGHLY PROMOTED.. even on item descp page.. the warranty should be on TOP and more Prominent..
Please consider this and help us in increasing sales and selling more geniune product..
I think China is using India as its dumping ground for all sub-standard products. With an option of place of Manufacture, I would block all products of China - I don't even want to see those.
Best Regards 😄
Did you know that eBay had a feature called 'Easy to Buy'? This is similar to what you have requested. To be a Easy to Buy, a product needs to meet the following criteria:
- Have a Buy It Now price
- Item condition is new
- You have a return Policy (7, 14 or 30 days after purchase)
- You specify your shipping charges clearly
Have you used this feature? This feature is free for all products that meet the criteria. All Easy to Buy products are specifically highlighted on the search page itself.
Do check it out and let us know if this is similar to what you had in mind. If you will like further improvements in this feature, feel free to communicate the same to us.
I have seen ur easy buy.. but on search page a icon should be shown for a genuine warranty and more emphasis should be given on that.. like the paisapay icon.. also on the item list page it should be big and shown.. the "easy to buy" dosent help what i m trying to say.. it is a totally diff issue..