new approach towards Multi Quantity Auction
I think baazee should directly stop multiple quantity auction insted of putting it in such a way
As the conversion percentage is 30 to 40 on baazee sellers need to put multiple quanity so that atlist they can recover there listing fees ,but with the new preposed changes
o Keeping a reserve price
o Provide for a secondary listing
o Discrete Listing
o Have an option of offering Quick Buy (Buy It Now) in the auction
baazee is directly giving the message of not putting multiple quanity ,so the seller needs to craete multiple auctions for the same product with 1 quanity at a time that means more listing fees to baazee and the seller ---god only can help him
the most and important point in this is
The buyers will not have the facility to put an auto bid on a multi quantity auction.
this means if a seller wants to sell a product worth 800 Rs. in auction with 5 quantuty
he will need atlist 300 people should bid on that product, has it happened ant time on baazee till date? you dont even get 300 visitors for popup listing product forget about getting 300 bids, in addition pay baazee the listing fees of Rs 450/- great!!!!!
Hey baazee first understand your limitaions ,baazee is not ebay..ebay has lakhs of visitors and bidders here u have not even 1 percent of there register users and you are trying to make rules of ebay for baazee?????
99 percent of the sellers use multiple quanity to sell there products without that no seller can survive on baazee, with single quantity auction and with a fees of Rs 300/- for one quantity ,can any body?
All the best to all our seller friends ,please give me your feedbacks about this change...