I would like to bring to your notice another technical snag on ebay India site. In my seller preferences it is clearly stated that buyer cannot edit the amount calculations, but still buyers modify the payments at their own free will and based on their own calculations pay by paisapay. the amount thus paid is less than what it should be.
What happens is that i list an item say of Rs. 100 with local shipping as Rs. 25 and national shipping as Rs. 50. When the buyer buys the item, he chooses local shipping even when he/she is not from my city and pays Rs. 125/- with paisapay. In this situation I end up loosing Rs. 25/-. If I ask buyer to pay the difference, he/she says that now they cannot pay by paisapay as they have already paid and other modes of payment are not as convenient.
So, either I loose Rs. 25/- or I cancel the sale. In bothe the cases the seller is a looser and even the buyer's experience is affected.
I would like ebay to look into this on priority and fix the bug asap.
Others sellers, if you have had similar experiences please share it here so that we know the quantum of effect this thing is having on us.