I haave purchased JVS 16 Jar Kitchen mate on 20-06-2012 through ebay.in and seller is homepride2012. The packaging was not good so 1 jar out of 16 received in broken condition. I gave negative rating to seller. Soon after I received a call from the seller to give positive rating with a promise that he will ship the Jar. I dis this. Now he is not sending the Jar. In the process i feel cheated through ebay.in by a seller. Now I will not purchase any item online through ebay.in as the ebay.in has not controll over the sellers and they are cheating the public. It is not the question of 1 Jar. it is the question of trust on the seller. If a big amount is involved, what a common man will do. It is better to purchase the items from open market, and why to go for online shopping.