Dear Amithava Da,
For featured shop the fees is Rs.1000 and i got email from eBay Accounts team that we get Selling Manager Pro free. Probably you should try this. Because selling manager pro itself is 499 + basic shop 199. When u pay 300 extra you get all good benefits together. & First month Free.
Even i am planning to upgrade to Featured shop, i have no time now. Probably when i have my inventory properly ready i am planning to use this feature.
Right now i have too much work, relisting, manging stock , leave feedback, reply when shipped etc. I want this to be automated to reduce my time on the computer.
I have a question to fellow sellers, when eBay auto labels printed from Selling Manager Pro, can we also correct if there are mistakes before we print.
I am planning to buy Selling manager pro next month along with featured shop to reduce my time on computer.
Kind regards,