Query on Multiple listings... eBay please help

Community Member
Today, a lot of my mobile accessories listings were deleted as they were counted as multiple listings. But the fact is that a single headset/data cable is compatible with over 100 models of Nokia. How do I list the item if the same headset is valid for over 5 different models, as it will be counted as multiple listings? Please guide me how do I list the same.

If the multiple listing policy is valid for such items too, then all sellers will just have to mention the title as something like "Handsfree Stereo headset compatible with many Nokia models". But Buyers normally search for "nokia 1100 headset", or "1100 handsfree", and will not go looking in the item description for the model number. Then this way he will not be able to see any of my products. I request eBay to please find a way out otherwise sale will drop drastically.
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Query on Multiple listings... eBay please help

Community Member

Just create a listing and in description, add the the models which are compatible with the headsets. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
Message 2 of 11
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Query on Multiple listings... eBay please help

Community Member
Dear Navaneeth,

Do you really think we will be able to generate sales this way? Most buyer just search for the item from the ebay.in homepage. Even I as a buyer do that! Rarely do buyers know that they need to click on the main category "Mob & Acc", then click on "Accessories" and then click on "headsets". I do not think that even 10% of the buyers go through this method. They would normally search for "nokia 1100 headset", or "1100 handsfree" from the ebay.in homepage, and then buy whatever they see.
Message 3 of 11
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Query on Multiple listings... eBay please help

Community Member
... continued from last post...

So, I think that most buyers will not buy anything as they will not get what they have searched for. I hope eBay does something about this, and fast...

I sincerely request somebody from eBay to reply to this post so that I can take my future stand and decide on how to sell mobile accessories in the future.


Deepak M.
Blowout Dealz.
Message 4 of 11
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Query on Multiple listings... eBay please help

Community Member
Dear Deepak,

Myself a seller, I can understand that sales may go down.


I sell Sony Ericsson DCU-11 Data Cable which is compatible with many Sony Ericsson phones.

If I list the item as:

DCU-11 Data Cable for Sony Ericsson J300i
DCU-11 Data Cable for Sony Ericsson S700i

Then its considered as 2 of the same listings.

So specify in the description of all the phones which supports.

Compatible with : Sony Ericsson S700i & J300i

A new buyer may not find the product he needs soon, But he will definitely try advance search to find them.

We should follow eBay policies if we agree to that or not. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
Message 5 of 11
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Query on Multiple listings... eBay please help

Community Member
Hello snrama,

I would like to know how did you find out that the name of the seller is "Deepak"?

Message 6 of 11
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Query on Multiple listings... eBay please help

Community Member
Okay Navaneeth, maybe you are right. If eBay can afford to lose out on new buyers who donot know how to use advanced search, then I as a seller donot have a choice. The bottom line is that THE SALES WILL GO DOWN. If eBay does not worry about it, I think only sellers like me will be worried about my sales. I was just hoping ebay makes an exception to this rule for such items...
Message 7 of 11
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Query on Multiple listings... eBay please help

Community Member
can i butt in for a small suggestion..??? multiple listings for such items like clothes, shoes, mobile accessories should be allowed. obviously we cant write shoes of size 7,8,9,10,11 etc.. further shoes would have colours too... i feel if gallery fees and listing charges are imposed...then this rule regarding multiple listings should go, since every seller wud like to have as many hits for his products.. if hez willing why not allow him to list...???? however..wrong category listing should be discouraged. for eg. this mornin i was searchin for a low priced handset within 800 rupees, and used to show by lowest price.. and what i got for the first 22 out of 213 pages were irrelevant listings for USB card readers, 1 re listing to play KBC online, Screen guards etc.. it was really frustrating.. i would also like to know if this amounts to multiple listing - deodorants of different companies....? say FA, MEn, Best, Cigar, Elpaso, Yardley, Rexona, Cinthol - as all would be deodorants itself..
Message 8 of 11
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Query on Multiple listings... eBay please help

Community Member
Dear posting.id.in,

You can find the name of the seller in the post 3.

I don't think you normally go through all the posts.

Also Deepak, eBay does exept some of these like sizes, compatibility, But I am not sure on it.

You can clear on this issue by asking ebay pinks via Contact Us.

http://pages.ebay.in/help/contact_us/_base/index.html ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
Message 9 of 11
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Query on Multiple listings... eBay please help

Community Member

Thanks I read that later. Actually I was under some wrong impression about the id mentioned. I thought it belonged to someone else ๐Ÿ˜‰

If one products fits 100 products, you cannot list it 100 times and multiple it by 5.

All of us here are aware of mulitple card readers. One reader reads more than 25 cards.

So it would be totally wrong to list the product as.

Listing 1 - SD card readers, reads 25 other cards
Listing 2 - MMC card reader, reads 25 other cards
Listing 3 - XD card reader , reads 25 other cards

etc., etc.

One can go and list one carder 25+ times and than mulitple it 5 times, so you would have 125 + listings of the same product.

This creates a very bad user experience see tons and tons of listins of the same product.

Yes srjsms, what you have mentioned is another bad experience for customers, it is not called multiple listings but mis-categorisation. IT is one of the worst kinds of user experience. You can report it to eBay via the contact us link if you have specific probles.

I would also like to request srjsms to write with proper punctuation and in paragraphs. It takes too much of an effort to read your posts. I beleive, if you have something to write, write it as best as it can.

Small courtesies towards the community go a long way.
Message 10 of 11
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