on โ01-03-2006 03:12 PM
Well I was
going through this announcement where I have seen various changes have done. But
when I saw Ebay wants Gallery and Listing Designer as chargeable I was really
unhappy. My fellow sellers what are your views about this ? R u Happy or Unhappy
? Do you think Gallery and Listing Designer need to be feesable to us ? My
views about Gallery And Listing Designer :
Reason : If
a seller is selling 2000 products will he choose gallery and listing designer on
1st April ? Answer is NO. Sales will go down. Fake buyers are in bulk in India.
Buyers are not in bulk and quantity of good buyers is very low.
I need my fellow
sellers views too. Plz reply to this thread with your views specifying the
reason . This change will be effective from 1st April,2006. Ebay - R u making
our April fool or what:-(:_|X-( ??
on โ03-03-2006 08:55 PM
on โ03-03-2006 09:10 PM
Hi shivarthecom.
Listing designer is a theme and layout which is used to complement your listing.
You are also using this. I have just checked your item number 8906373499 -- 2.79
Cts. GENUINE AFRICAN RUBY. Just check your listing -- In top of your listing
there are flowers and greenery choosen by you - that is called listing designer.
I hope u got it.
on โ03-03-2006 09:23 PM
on โ03-03-2006 10:11 PM
on โ03-03-2006 10:28 PM
I m really impressed
with replies of Kaya_jewels and indconcepts. Both of you have gone through the
plight of powersellers, new sellers, high value items sellers as well as sellers
with low value items. This is really appreciable. But still Ebay India pinks are
sleeping and will awake only on 31st March, 2006 to come to reply to this topic.
I have come to this conclusion -- High value items sellers are supporting this
announcement exception - kaya_jewels and I m really really impressed by her
on โ03-03-2006 10:43 PM
on โ04-03-2006 09:17 AM
on โ04-03-2006 10:18 AM
on โ04-03-2006 11:16 AM
on โ04-03-2006 12:08 PM