Hello Everyone,
I understand that Books and Music are 2 categories that have no listing fee.
If one notices that these categories, do have a vast range of books --- fictional, non fictional, educational, children and many other categories. There is no count to the number of books that can be listed.
If the listing fees is added, then there will be only books that have been generally selling over the years. But then in this scenario, a customer would not have the choice of searching through the vast list to chose and select one of his choice.
Choice for customers would get shunted and the same in sales for eBay.
In other fields and categories, if you see there are defined no. of items that can be added in comparison to books.
Also if you check, the Final Value Fee is also 6% compared to 5% of other categories.
We are all talking of "no listing fee" in such categories but no one checks the higher side of final value fee.
Even if you check, the Government does not consider Books under VAT. Books come under no tax sales. So why do you suggest that we need to tax this category with listing fees.
Thanks and Regards
Edward Katchira