Please introduce listing fee for books and mags

to stop junk listing.
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Please introduce listing fee for books and mags

Community Member
30936 items found in: Books & Magazines
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Please introduce listing fee for books and mags

Community Member
Books is a vast category.

See this - They claim millions of books.

Listing fee might not be the best idea, but how abt listing fee for listing on site (nominal 10paisa) and keep store listing FREE

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Please introduce listing fee for books and mags

Hello Everyone,

I understand that Books and Music are 2 categories that have no listing fee.

If one notices that these categories, do have a vast range of books --- fictional, non fictional, educational, children and many other categories. There is no count to the number of books that can be listed.

If the listing fees is added, then there will be only books that have been generally selling over the years. But then in this scenario, a customer would not have the choice of searching through the vast list to chose and select one of his choice.

Choice for customers would get shunted and the same in sales for eBay.

In other fields and categories, if you see there are defined no. of items that can be added in comparison to books.

Also if you check, the Final Value Fee is also 6% compared to 5% of other categories.

We are all talking of "no listing fee" in such categories but no one checks the higher side of final value fee.

Even if you check, the Government does not consider Books under VAT. Books come under no tax sales. So why do you suggest that we need to tax this category with listing fees.

Thanks and Regards
Edward Katchira
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Please introduce listing fee for books and mags

Community Member

eBay shouldn't charge listing fees under Books Category as there are a large sales and many listings.

But eBay needs to check every listings as some sellers are listing computer windows softwares under Books Category and saving the FVF. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 5 of 10
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Please introduce listing fee for books and mags

It is true that one cant make both ends meet by selling new books and paying 6% FVF. I know it is impossible.
I am talking of sellers with 3 or 4 books in hand doing multiple listings and hijaking pages. Good sellers are suffering. Something should be done.
Message 6 of 10
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Please introduce listing fee for books and mags

Community Member
Latest Researches Show That More The Inventory Listed On Any Site
The More Is The Sales
So Dont Be Surprised If Ebay Moves Towards Lower Listing Fees And Higher FVF's
I Am Actually Expecting Some More Cataegories To Join the Books And Mags cataegory
Message 7 of 10
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Please introduce listing fee for books and mags

Thank God eBay does not toe the day dreamers.
Message 8 of 10
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Please introduce listing fee for books and mags
Community Member
Hello Amitavaji (amitava123gems),

Thank you for starting such a thread wherein we can discuss how we can better serve our buyers looking searching for Books & Magazines on our site.

As right mentioned by Edward (OnlineBookstall), since Books & magazines are two categories where there are a host of sub-categories and requires vast variety and width to engage our buyers we would not want to restrict the category's scope by imposing listing fees.

However, we also understand that the concerns raised by you and Hitesh (runalaila_in1) have a lot of merit in it to address junk listings and we can explore at creating dynamic landing pages which will have different sorts such as fiction, non fiction, education etc. with latest or all time bestsellers classified in a better way to directly lead buyers to the targeted search results.

This is surely one of the ideal discussion threads we would like our sellers to participate in :-).

Keep posting!!!

Message 9 of 10
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Please introduce listing fee for books and mags

Dear Edward,
I was exploring possibilities of selling stamp catalogue of a most famous Indian philatelist. He would have autographed each copy. This book sells very well in international market. It costs 600 bucks. He gives me 10% less.
But if that sells, I have to pay eBay 10% in FVF+PP. Where is the profit?
So, I shelved the idea.
I dont understand the economics of book selling.
Only just for the kick of it one cant survive.
Now I am selling old books and mags only. Thats better. Old stuffs goes well with old guys.
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