I am attaching a copy of the recent proceedings of the community court, which would make it quite clear that the way GEB has improved its feedback ratings is by getting them removed through the community court. I am also attaching the summary of the Seller's appeal, the summary of my response and the courts decision in this regard.
First I would like to state that my feedback (currently removed) was a negative feedback based on the fact that the seller provided false shipping information, thus abusing the due process wherein if the item was not shipped, the money would have been refunded back within the shipping deadline.
1. Seller's appeal
The seller appealed against my negative feedback by stating that according to the terms and conditions of GEB, delivery is conditional to being able to procure the product from eBay's Global site.
2. My response:
My response was factual and based on the following points:
a) Providing false shipping information, thus lying to the buyer and delaying the refund by over 20 days.
b) Failure to replying to my email
c) Failure to answer my phonecalls
d) eBay's customer care inability to contact i2c and provide me with any response.
3. Courts decision:
My feedback to me removed with a majority of 51%
There is no way for me to know the basis for the entire "kangaroo court" proceedings.
Copy of the recent email conversations with TnS
You fail to realise that as GEB is a service being actively promoted by eBay, it needs to ensure
higher levels of standards. Providing false shipping information is definitely not expected.
My feedback to GEB on the basis of the following points was rejected by the community court.
1. False shipping information provided
2. Not reachable through phone, email or even through eBay
There is a serious misunderstanding here. Let me correct those
1. This is not about non delivery of item. This is about providing false shipping information
2. There were many attempts from my side to contact the seller. I received no response.
3. This is not about being on the losing side, but not knowing the reason for doing so. The reply
by the seller to my response on the community court is not visible to me and you call the entire
process fair. This is a mockery of the buyers right. There is also no way for the aggrieved party
to know the basis for the jury to arrive at the decision. This is no community court, but just a
kangaroo court. By removing the right to cross-examine the sellers reply, you have made a
mockery of the buyer.
ps: Mr. Sushant, I now know the reason for the increase in the feedback ratings of GEB. It is by
removing the negative feedback ratings of the buyers that i2cseller (GEB) seems to have achieved it.
On 25 July 2010 15:14, eBay India Customer Support - inrswebhelp wrote:
Thank you for writing to eBay. Please allow me the opportunity to assist
you further with your concern on seller terms on feedback.
Please note that as per some policy enhancement made in February 2008
Sellers are no longer able to leave negative or neutral Feedback for
buyers. Since sellers have no option to neutralize the impact of a
negative feedback which they might feel unfair or unwanted, there may be
instances where they request to contact before leaving a negative
I realize how frustrating it can be when you have sent the seller your
money and you did not received your item. Even in such cases before
leaving negative feedback for a seller it would be advisable to contact
the seller and resolve the issue as ebay does provide many avenues for
resolving such disputes.
Please note that Community Court works totally independent of any eBay
control or interference. I can understand if you feel the Community
Court has been biased, I am sure, you are aware that in any judgement
there is an aggrieved party feeling betrayed.
Unfortunately we don?t have a system where you can appeal against
Community Court verdict. Since it is a decision collectively taken by
qualified and experienced eBay members (both buyers and sellers) we
think there is no need for any forum for appeal.
I am sure you have made your points very clear by giving negative
feedback and made the seller aware that as a seller he cannot ignore the
sensibility of a buyer.
Your cooperation is appreciated in this matter.
Best Wishes,
Sunilraj N.
eBay India Trust & Safety
Protect your eBay account by changing your password regularly. For more
information, please visit the link below:
Original Message Follows:
Form Message: %42200% 052909
Subject: FB=C00230 The problem you're having with feedback isn't listed
[180513277760 #IN US $IN 100771B !12283! 060509 ?01 -01 ]
User Feedback: 11
User State: ?01
Browser info: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20100628 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.6
Feedback > Feedback Concerns > The problem you're having with
feedback isn't listed
Item number:
180513277760 $IN
Message: I am really concerned with the manner in which the community
court has addressed the matter of my negative feedback for GEB. My
feedback was fair and to the point. I had no opportunity to review GEB's
reply to my complaint. 51% of the votes does not make a majority. If
this is indeed the way you carry out the community court proceedings, I
have to confess that I would no longer like to be associated with eBay.
There is no information on the reason why my feedback has been removed.
There is no way for the buyer to know the seller's response to my
justification for the feedback rating. Is this indeed fair in any