Food Items are not allowed on ebay.
There are thousands of food Items available for sale.
ebay takes action when you report it via
Contact Us form. Once the listings are pulled down the same Sellers revert back with the same Items after a few days. If not, other Sellers who are un-aware of the policy, list a number of Food Items.
So, its an ongoing process whereby the person who reports gets exhausted. Then a new enthusiastic Member starts reporting and after a couple of weeks he too gets exhausted.
Just because the number of Violators are more than the number of Reporters..... therefore ebay can't do anything.
It seems ebay don't take initiatives themselves
(maybe its a boring job for them to pull down such listings) but waits for complaints, to take action.
Its pity that policies are only meant for serious Sellers because they are afraid of violations and its consequenses.
Non serious Sellers are here for Fun and are free to do any violations .....who cares if they are suspended.
They would return back with another ID ..... New Mobile Number ..... and a new SMS Verification ...... everything is so easy.
Umang Midha
best regards
Umang Midha