Open House with Kashyap Vadapalli on eBay Marketing on 2nd Dec, 4 – 5 PM
eBay Employee
eBay Employee
On Kashyap's behalf:


I am Kashyap Vadapalli, Director – Marketing & Business Development. I invite you to join me for an Open House discussion on eBay Marketing initiatives.

At eBay, the key task for my team is to ensure that we showcase the Lots of Safe, Easy, Deals available on eBay to our buyers. The objective being to drive visitors, convert visitors into buyers and ensure that an ever increasing part of a buyers overall spending is on eBay. Some of the key initiatives that we have made in this direction are:

  • High impact promotions like Diwali Bonus, Raining Deals to ensure that we are at top of mind with the consumers during key spending seasons.
  • Special events for Top Buyers in Mumbai & Delhi to strengthen their relation with eBay
  • Exciting discount coupons to visitors to entice them to try eBay
  • Launch of Global EasyBuy to give our buyers access to a large pool of international items delivered conveniently at their doorstep

    We have also planned a very exciting nationwide campaign to increase the awareness about eBay and generate trial. We expect the campaign to go live in 1st week of December. I will like to share a sneak peak of the campaign with you. In addition to the above I will be also available to discuss your suggestions on eBay Marketing.

    Please join me on Wednesday, Dec 2nd from 5 PM - 6 PM, on this thread to know more about the latest eBay marketing campaign, and a open discussion on eBay Marketing.

    Looking forward to meeting you here!

    Thanks and Regards,
    Kashyap Vadapalli
    Director – Marketing & Business Development
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    Open House with Kashyap Vadapalli on eBay Marketing on 2nd Dec, 4 – 5 PM
    Community Member
    Hi Again, Kashyap here…

    We will support this TV campaign with Outdoor campaigns and radio campaigns in the Top 5 markets. Outdoor will start in early 3rd Week of Dec and Radio will start in early Jan ‘10. Both the campaigns will have a strong call to action where visitors will be encourages to visit the site and register and get discount vouchers.

    We believe that in order to grow ecommerce in India and attract new buyers we need to build the category and therefore you will see that many of the elements are targeted towards getting new folks to ‘try’ eBay.

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    Open House with Kashyap Vadapalli on eBay Marketing on 2nd Dec, 4 – 5 PM

    Community Member
    sir kindly post a reply for the concerned questions that is put on first.
    Message 42 of 78
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    Open House with Kashyap Vadapalli on eBay Marketing on 2nd Dec, 4 – 5 PM


    What about FM - an emerging strong Media for Online activities - specially in small towns and tehsils also !
    Message 43 of 78
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    Open House with Kashyap Vadapalli on eBay Marketing on 2nd Dec, 4 – 5 PM
    eBay Employee
    eBay Employee
    Hi happy_deals365,

    Please bear with our typing speed 🙂

    Kashyap wants to give our members a preview of the TV ad. Once we have shared the same, he will be available to answer your other questions.

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    Open House with Kashyap Vadapalli on eBay Marketing on 2nd Dec, 4 – 5 PM
    Community Member
    Hi All, Kashyap here....

    Here are a couple of links... please bear in mind the point about the low-resolution for audio/video.

    TV Ad 1

    TV Ad 2

    we have multiple such executions, these are just examples.

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    Open House with Kashyap Vadapalli on eBay Marketing on 2nd Dec, 4 – 5 PM

    Community Member
    ya sure i can wait...:-D
    Message 46 of 78
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    Open House with Kashyap Vadapalli on eBay Marketing on 2nd Dec, 4 – 5 PM

    Komal G B Singh's audio is missing
    Message 47 of 78
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    Open House with Kashyap Vadapalli on eBay Marketing on 2nd Dec, 4 – 5 PM

    Community Member
    the video is good can you do it in color rather than the old B&W
    Message 48 of 78
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    Open House with Kashyap Vadapalli on eBay Marketing on 2nd Dec, 4 – 5 PM

    Community Member
    Ads,should have thought of some thing else, still gud for the start.:-)
    Message 49 of 78
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    Open House with Kashyap Vadapalli on eBay Marketing on 2nd Dec, 4 – 5 PM
    Community Member
    Hi sunilrj,

    Thanks for posting your concern. We understand that you have issues around non paying buyer. In the past few months we have taken multiple initiatives to put a check on such buyers. The UPI rates across site has reduced significantly and over the next few months, you should see such instances reduce even further.

    Having said the above, I also will like our sellers to understand that India being a nascent market, there will be buyers who at times will have post purchase dissonance. As our market matures, you will see such incidence reduce further.

    On your suggestion on re-looking PaisaPay confirmation, we believe that the new PaisaPay system has helped a lot in increasing buyer trust on site. At the same time to ensure that a seller's working capital does not get blocked we offer Express Remittance facility to certain sellers. I will ask your Category's Manager to look into your case and evaluate for the same.

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