Not getting Final Fee Value Credits for Refunds made to Customers

Today I was checking my invoices and was shocked to find that I am not getting Final Fee Value Credits for the refunds done by me to my customers.

The last refund credit I got was on 17-Sep 09:48:08

Solar Charger for IPod, Camera, Sony Ericcson Mobile


Final Value Fee


gvoh8183 Final price: Rs. 2,999.00 (Shop) Ref # 1108995012

After that there were no more credits. Even before 17 Sep, I have not got back credits for some items whose refunds I have given to my customers for items not in stock.

Even for refunds approved by ebay system, I have not got back the Final Fee Value credits.

Dear fellow sellers can you please check your respective invoices and post your feedback here?

eBay is unfairly charging us commision whose sales have not actually happened.

What is happening? Isnt this the great ebay ecommerce system (where billions of dollars of transactions happen) or do we need to manually track refunds from now onwards? Also in the eBay Invoices generated why only item ids are mentioned and not paisapay ids also (which is a unique id for a a transaction) so that sellers can do easy reconcillation and tracking of their sales.
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Not getting Final Fee Value Credits for Refunds made to Customers

I got a reply from eBay team as follows:
"Hello ,

Thank you for contacting us.

I understand from your email that you wish to get the Final Value Fee credit.

Let me inform you, that if a seller does not enter the shipping details for an item after the Paisapay has confirmed the buyer’s payment within the stipulated timelines, Paisapay system marks the item for a refund. When this happens, the buyers complete payment towards the item is refunded and the seller is provided a manual credit towards Final Value Fee charged on the transaction.

From June1’09, sellers are provided a manual credit for the Final Value Fee charged, only if their system initiated Refunds approved are below 1% of the total Paisapay transactions done in a month.

For example, if a seller has 100 transactions in a month, out of which 5 were approved for system initiated Refund, In such a case, the Seller will be provided Final Value Fee credit only for the initial 1% approved system initiated INR (i.e. Initial 1 approved System Initiated Refund transaction).

Sellers who have less than 10 transactions in a month or who have 2 or less System initiated approved Refunds in a month are exempt from the above policy. Such sellers will be provided Final Value Fee credit for all approved System initiated INR transactions.

As your Refund does not fit in the 1% formula, we regret to inform you that our system is unable to post the credit for the same.

I hope the information provided was useful. If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us again by simply replying to this email.


Jagdeep singh

eBay India Customer Service Team"

The bottomline is that you will get Final Value Fee Credits only if your total approved refunds (Seller Refund + System Refund + Buyer Initiated Refund) are less than 1% in a month. This is impossible in real world scenarios of both offline and online stores. eBay wants to mint money from the hard working sellers by publishing these Herculean hard to achieve targets.
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Not getting Final Fee Value Credits for Refunds made to Customers

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