----- Original Message -----
To: Sapna Gupta ; canamkhanna ; PuneetKripalani ; baazee@eco-planet.com
Cc: Shailly Gupta ; sellersupport@baazee.com ; astelcorp
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 10:30 AM
Subject: nobody knows what is happening at ebay..
Dear Madam,
At this moment I am offering about 45+ items.
When a buyer clicks on "View seller's other items"
Next page says " 0 items found "
" This seller is not currently offering any items for sale. "
Secondly I have loaded more than 5 products
Listed in category: Home, Tools & Appliances > Kitchen > Cookware, Ovenware > Non stick/ Anodised
Not a single product is showing of mine in the category
Thirdly None of my ratings received after 23rd.March are showing on Ebay.
Old Baazee is showing 93 ratings but ebay is showing 89 ratings.
Lastly but not the least........e-bay system is not accepting item ID when I try to lodge complaint for unfair rating & remarks..
I forthwith demand complete roll back of all the charges levied by Ebay in raising invoices . And call upon you why shall we be responsible for communicating with ebay with each no. of item Id etc. for Ebay fault of charging International uploading fees / charges. Do you assume sellers have no other work
Since last 2 months i am realising lowest bids and shipping at loss. This I have highligted in my many mails and discussion boards. assuning things will improove.... but no use... its time to rethink...?
All the above is contrary to terms and conditions and tall claims made by E-bay in several direct mails and other media which are hollow and mislead us into unnecessary uploading of pages in advance & end up with losses.
ebay also agrees & accepts that " there is severe shortage of buyers and bidding is at its lowest so is business.and few have shut shop already.So many grievances of sellers on cafe & discussion boards are burning testimony to what is said herein above.
Would some one answer me what is this malpractice happening on ebay........... Or you people are simply busy sending reckless invoices to the sellers.
If my above matter is not resolved with in 24 hours I reserve my right to with hold all the payments to E-bay / Baazee and claim jointly & individually all damages , losses & recover all my costs, arising out of your negligence and faulty services & giving hollow assurances from time time.
I also reserve my right to seek refuge of law as deem fit if my account is black listed for no reasons and my ratings manipulated by you which please note.
Awaiting your prompt reply and quick action to above said .
Thanking you
Yours sincerely.