New ebay fee too high !

Hello !

Ebay has recently increased Final value fee for computer categery to 5%. Already Paisapay charges are 4.5% and 10.3% service tax on all above.
Shipping charges limits also set maximum of Rs 50 for laptop battery.
Can anyone tell, who is going to ship laptop battery weighing approx 1 kg total just in Rs 50? Most of the times, this cost comes around rs 100.
If an original battery cost price is Rs 7000/ ( let any standard original 9 cell laptop battery- IBM, compaq, dell etc ) If a seller margin to be added just only Rs 240, even then the selling cost to the buyer will be around Rs 8200 ( cost Rs 7200+ seller margin Rs 240 + ebay FVF Rs 410 + Paisapay charges Non EMI Rs 370 + service tax Rs 80 + shipping charges Rs 100. And leave away other admin seller expenses )
Means an item that can be sold offline for around Rs 7300, the buyer has to pay Rs 1000/ more if he goes through ebay.
Most such buyers can find these items locally.
Clearly any seller selling genuine items, can not earn if he sells through ebay.
This will only help increase for duplicate item sale and buyer unsatisfaction.
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New ebay fee too high !


Very well said and good to the point example cited here, let's hope ebay officials take some cognizance about this issue.
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New ebay fee too high !

Community Member
From your example

eBay battery cost Rs 8200 (Rs 7200 + seller margin Rs 240 + ebay FVF Rs 410 + Paisapay charges Non EMI Rs 370 + service tax Rs 80 + shipping charges Rs 100)

Offline stores Rs 7300 (Rs 7200 + Rs 100 Seller margin + Shop Rent etc + payment to local biggies etc)

If offline seller can manage in Rs 100 seller margin + other charges not applicale to eBay sellers, then why eBay seller should keep Rs 240 seller margin?
Message 3 of 10
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New ebay fee too high !

Community Member
srvice tax????? How is that applicable here?could u pls elaborate? sorry i'm not a smart guy...thx
Message 4 of 10
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New ebay fee too high !

@c153niyam ...

Govt. of India Service Tax (Business Auxillary Services) @ 10.33% [10% Service Tax and 3% Cess {Edu: 2% + Sec & High Edu: 1%} thereon], see your ebay invoice.
Message 5 of 10
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New ebay fee too high !


You are right eBay fees are high as compare to other shopping portals. But nothing will be changed on sellers request. Because no value of seller on eBay. In monthly survey they too removed this point. Means eBay charges are high etc...

Message 6 of 10
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New ebay fee too high !

Dear ufo_big !

Do you mean that seller should maintain every expenses just with in Rs 100 margin and ebay should continue to charge Rs 1000 approx for same item?
Do not just focus on seller margin, check other expenses as illustrated.
Even if as per your suggestion of Rs 100 seller margin. If I agree even for Rs 50 seller margin, the buyer still needs to pay Rs 1000 more. Shop Rent etc + payment to local biggies etc are still there even if seller sells offline or online.
If you are expecting a seller to maintain everything just in Rs 100 margin, then why ebay should not be asked to do so?
My purpose here is, to say that higher ebay charges will result item prices on ebay to stay higher which will keep buyers away.
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New ebay fee too high !

Community Member

I just wanted to highlight that you are not comparing apple to apple in comparing offline seller with eBay online seller. To make your case more convincing you are assuming that an offline seller keeps a margin of Rs 100 and eBay online seller need to keep a margin of Rs 240. But fact is that an offline seller need to keep a store at a more visible place where rent and overhead cost is much more than an online eBay seller.

If the disparity is that much as calculated by you then all eBay sellers would have disappeared by now from the site.
Message 8 of 10
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New ebay fee too high !

Dear ufo_big !

What I understand from your view, is that you are comfortable with paying Rs 1000 additional if purchased through ebay, provided this money goes to ebay but a seller should not earn more then Rs 100 on any single such transaction.
But most buyers probably will not be agree with this.
Message 9 of 10
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New ebay fee too high !

I've never sold anything on eBay, and from a buyer's point of view, it's good to see that eBay has imposed some regulations on shipping charges. However, when I glanced quickly through the list of permissible shipping charges some time ago, I too felt that some of them are not realistic.

I think eBay should re-examine the list and modify some of them so that they are reasonable for both buyers and sellers.
Message 10 of 10
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