Negative Feedback Such A Blackmail Policy For Sellers

Now Ebay Not Removed the Negative Feedback As buyer Follow Up... Buyer Used Negative Fedback To Blackmail Sellers For Money As Well Product Want... These Days Buyers Are Usiing Negative Feedback To Blackmail Sellers For Money Back... This is The Main Issue On Online business... if This Occurs Regular then New Sellers As Well Old Sellers Suffer Lot Of Loss... Do Something Ebay Team For This...

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Re: Negative Feedback Such A Blackmail Policy For Sellers












Message 2 of 9
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Re: Negative Feedback Such A Blackmail Policy For Sellers

The feedback system currently, is not an honest representation of any seller.

In recent months, I observed that ebay executives are not listening to me regarding feedback concerns.
Also I have mentioned link that says as per ebay policy, some negative rating against me, qualified for removal,
but ebay executive not followed those policies.
There are cases where buyers gave me negative rating in hurry but were ready to remove when I helped them to solve their issue. but ebay executives denied to remove them. Why so?
This is very frustrating when ebay executives themselves do not follow policies and we have to bear loss for those things
I strongly feel that ebay executives are of no help in terms of wrong feedback. They are not impartial to me, and not even have a common sense of deciding right or wrong.
I am very surprised to hear their replies when talked on tollfree numbers.
How irresponsible, immature, senseless people they are? I am really surprised.


There is no way to email higher ebay executives hence can not say if senior ebay executivs are aware of it or not.

If we follow : Have a Pending Issue? link
it goes to :
and then return to normal contact ebay link.

Message 3 of 9
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Re: Negative Feedback Such A Blackmail Policy For Sellers

If we talk about feedback, ebay is not honest to sellers and if we check any seller's feedback profile, we will certainly find most negatives those were actually  awarded in hesitation or to put pressure on seller.

And even many new buyers unhapply with ebay guarantee handling by ebay executives,  provide negative and many a times they think it will go to ebay.


If we talk about ebay guarantee claims, ebay is neither  honest to buyer nor seller.

The executives lacks common sense and not at all supportive to either buyer or seller.

It appears there are new unexperienced executives at all levels related to buyer or seller concerns.

I do not know to whom they are supporting.

In recent few months, I needed to contact ebay customer support several times but never got any solution.

In few cases, talking to even supervisor was useless.


When I tried to escalate the mattery thru email, to senior ebay executive, I found it  impossible.

There is no way to email higher ebay executives hence can not say if senior ebay executivs are aware of it or not.
If we follow : Have a Pending Issue? link
it goes to :

Select Email us,
and then return to normal contact ebay link.

And the mail sent thisway, reaches to bottom level executive only.

Message 4 of 9
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Re: Negative Feedback Such A Blackmail Policy For Sellers

Yes, definitely.

You mentioned good point. but, WHO really care about Sellers?

It does not matter how honestly you do business. Or how hard work you do. Anyone can intensionally score you down.

It is like you are good driver and someone drunken driver applied sudden break. You cannot do anything. Definitely you FACE trouble because of other people wrong.


It is very simply to understand, Ebay just care for BUYER. There is NO OPTION to give negative Feedback to Buyer.


Whereas Buyers can give negative feedback. Invalid negative feedback. Invalid claims.


Some Buyers thinking themselves as smart. Use the product. After using ask for return. When we deny, they have multiple options. They can black mail with negative feedback. Claims. If that is big dealer he can recover the losses but, not feedback.


But, what about few honest sellers, small sellers for whom business is very important. One return can loss them with 10 sales profit.


You purchase items from local market / wholesale market. Any item. Fancy item. chinese item etc. Most of them give only option to check and purchase. And if you go back and ask for replacement or return even after 1 hour they will not accept it. Simply show no return, no exchange board. They say we too do not get warranty from where we import. But, on Ebay. you work very hard. You purchase from wholesaler or import it. You have many other expenses and LOT and LOT of works and pressure for online business. But, even after that. Any Buyer can play with innocent seller.


This is just beyond the humanity. Beyond the business rules.


Ebay just for their own profit, to attract Buyers do not care for Sellers. But, can Ebay go beyond humanity to give trouble. Losses to someone.


Why there is no one that think like a honest person at Ebay Managerial level.



Message 5 of 9
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Re: Negative Feedback Such A Blackmail Policy For Sellers

If seller won't take back bad/fake product (returns) and thinks goods once sold is sold, then negative feedback is the only way to express dislike and cautioning other buyer to avoid inconvience in advance.


I always refer to feedbacks before buying and that has helped me a lot in choosing the right seller. And if the product packaging & delivery is good, I have left positive feedbacks even if the seller has not requested it for.

Message 6 of 9
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Re: Negative Feedback Such A Blackmail Policy For Sellers

Genuine negative feedback is fine for the community however there are so many instances where buyers are giving negative feedback for example we have received the following -ve feedbacks as given below.


1) Buyer ordered item and next day we dispatched  the item at around 12: 30 pm and same day in the evening we received a -ve feedback saying. " I want to cancel  the product"  ( This feedback was given even before buyer received the item or communicated a single word with the seller )


2) Soon after receiveng a necklace a buyer gave us a negative feedback saying "Item is very nice but not perfect".



Can someone explain me if buyer give this type of feedback even before communicating with seller what can a seller do.


As per new ebay policy even buyer cannot remove his feedback one given and these type of points are not covered in ebay feedback policy so its very difficult to convince CSE about removing feedbacks as they simply refer to ebay feedback policy.


Even one or two -ve feedbacks impacts sellers a lot as most buyers do not leave +ve feedbacks as explained in my post "Suggesting change in ebay policy" as given in the link below




Message 7 of 9
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Re: Negative Feedback Such A Blackmail Policy For Sellers

I wish Ebay should provide 2 feedback section - one for the seller & other for the product (kind of review).  

Message 8 of 9
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Re: Negative Feedback Such A Blackmail Policy For Sellers

Well I would like to raise my point that new eBay feedback policy should be revised in the sense that we Seller are here to do professional transactions. We do a whole lot of research work, invest money, time and do a lot of efforts in completing a single transaction successully. I agree that out of 100 transactions, there could be some lapses from our end but that should not mean we did it intentionally or could not be  corrected. We as a seller should also be given a chance to rectify those mistakes by talking to buyer and satifying them the way they want and then allowing buyers atleast to revise the negative feedback from their end. No one would like to see negative feedback on their account, no one wants to ruin their goodwill for small things which can be easily settled communicating with the buyers. So on every negative feedback, seller should be given a chance to rectify the lapses happened.

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